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What did the "leader of the free world" mean by this? What are the political implications?
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biden site


commie pedo troon


this word was "nigger" ofc


you're right and you should say it


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>This is why they banned qa
>New 'toss


>tfw your a happy muslim arab with three wives unlike christcucks


Kuwaitis are pajeets tho


% of foreign population by country in the Gulf:
UAE: 90.35%
Qatar: 79.66%
Kuwait: 63.54%
Bahrein: 49.94%
Oman: 49.51%
Saudi Arabia: 38.35%

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soyjak.party is a monarchist website




Long live the soyking

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>I'm 13 percent Southern Italian
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He's a pansy faggot incel.


Clyde is a 35 years old neckbeard onions cuck literal embodiment of the Reddit gasping soyface.
Instead of doing productive shit, he masturbates to hentai porn and grooms children younger than him by two decades all day.
He's such a loser it's even hilarious.


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idk i dont care much about the christian confessions autism honestly
imo it's far more important to practice actively and to try to be a good Christian in everyday life than to pick the "right" confession
>Your T levels are way to much low for you to be Southern Italian
that's because i take my girlpills sweetheart
>You're a niggerloving cuckold from milANO.
how dare you
>grooming children is... LE BAD even though allowing them to explore their gender identity and transition at a young age while they have amazing passing potential is... LE GOOD


Please 41 percent... fucking die forever faggot... please... take the rope...

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Clyde's doxx

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since I'm not an idealist I'll just denounce a blatantly obvious war of agression that kills thousands regardless of any "based" implications it might have

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Russia must fully mobilize their entire population and put all industry towards war. Its necessary to perform a pre-emptive strike on finland, using nuclear weapons, to prevent western US pigs from occupying the land. The finnish people must be kept under heel of Russia to prevent hostile military alliances expanding further. In ukraine, 150,000 more toops must be fully mobilized to attack ukraine again from all fronts, nuclear weapons are our only current major advantage, so they must be strategically dropped across western ukranian cities like lviv and kiev. To prevent refugees from draining the country dry, they must be dropped along the border to provide a radioactive barrier, we must also threaten the west and the USA with nuclear weapons if they try to intervene, they dont have enough in them to fight back.

Kazakhstan and the central asian states must become more subservient to russia, and abandon all ties with the west.

Most importantly russia must immediately cut off all oil to western europe this coming winter, that combined with the nuclear fallout will hopefully cause millions of deaths in western europe and weaken their economies, lastly, turkey must also be brought to heel, a civil war must be instigated and they must leave nato and become a neutral state or subservient to Russia.

I would accomplish these goals by threatening everyone with nuclear weapons and by turning russia into a warlord state, with its entire economy devoted soley to the war effort until a favorable position is achieved.
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kuz I thought you were good because you restored Vidlii


nobody cares nigga also you couldn’t win because putin rigs the elections



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>Russia must fully mobilize their entire population and put all industry towards war. Its necessary to perform a pre-emptive strike on finland, using nuclear weapons, to prevent western US pigs from occupying the land. The finnish people must be kept under heel of Russia to prevent hostile military alliances expanding further. In ukraine, 150,000 more toops must be fully mobilized to attack ukraine again from all fronts, nuclear weapons are our only current major advantage, so they must be strategically dropped across western ukranian cities like lviv and kiev. To prevent refugees from draining the country dry, they must be dropped along the border to provide a radioactive barrier, we must also threaten the west and the USA with nuclear weapons if they try to intervene, they dont have enough in them to fight back.
>Kazakhstan and the central asian states must become more subservient to russia, and abandon all ties with the west.
>Most importantly russia must immediately cut off all oil to western europe this coming winter, that combined with the nuclear fallout will hopefully cause millions of deaths in western europe and weaken their economies, lastly, turkey must also be brought to heel, a civil war must be instigated and they must leave nato and become a neutral state or subservient to Russia.
>I would accomplish these goals by threatening everyone with nuclear weapons and by turning russia into a warlord state, with its entire economy devoted soley to the war effort until a favorable position is achieved.


>what 30 years of state propaganda does to a mf

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kuzjak on Polish reddit is going to the "hot memes" today

+83 updoots 46 minutes after posting

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Also my grandfather likes to tell stories about the war and generally about his life. Now he's 94 and talks about these things less frequently, but 3 years ago he was telling more of them. Before he catched influenza and grandma died then. :(


im sorry to hear that chud


not your fault :/



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Asians are so androgynous, how would you enforce it anyway







This. Asian "men" are all twinks.

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Kuz is on z side therefor z will win
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that's anti Semitic


i don't think hes referring to arab (the most populous semitic speaking group) bolsheviks therefore not anti-semitic


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>judeobelshevism bad beacouse... it just is ok!


This but unironically.


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