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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Nick won.


>literal who eceleb garbage

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First person killed by shitkrainians, in the middle of the city with many people around.


eastern europeans are all white niggers


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general things about trans people


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>Don't leave me hanging man


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Anti-tranny bros... this is our power...? This is who we are? No... not like this...


it takes 2 seconds for me to make a throwaway account and tell your pet trannies that they are men, what is your point?


You can now have a real account and hate trannies on twitter though


dawg is gender netural doe

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Post memes that make commies seethe.


Anders Breivik swimming classes

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Nick won.


Can I have an honest conversation with you? No irony, no shitflinging, baiting, just honesty.

Why are you doing this?


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Nick won.


fair enough

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japan was never based, china however is and always will be
8 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Indonesians look like that albeit


File: 1652231876209.gif (622.32 KB, 351x779, 052e406356c593e41e7b13c138….gif)

>japan was never based, china however is and always will be


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Xi is based though


Anyone who supports Marxist ideology is a moron 🙄. Marx was a loser who lived off of someone else's money. Socialism to a T. It also cost roughly a hundred million lives in the 19th century alone. Copy democrats?


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>Anyone who supports Marxist ideology is a moron 🙄. Marx was a loser who lived off of someone else's money. Socialism to a T. It also cost roughly a hundred million lives in the 19th century alone. Copy democrats?

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>File (hide): 1652380779604.png (23.36 KB, 602x800, ClipboardImage.png)

>Chud United States 25 minutes ago No.29279[Reply]

>are the spanish twink and the mexican twink different people? redpill me


I just realized no one posts colorjaks anymore


hey i missed this gem


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"lol so randumb xDDDDDD" irony coal doesn't last very long, in contrast to solidified diamonds like pic related


me two

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