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/pol/ - Politics

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Why do you send your children to school against their will?


so they can be educated on loving POC and transfolk and not being a chud.


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average white nationalist
7 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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A lot of Indians supported the Axis because they had a common enemy in the British Empire. Subhas Chandra Bose was kinda based in that regard.


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Subhas Chandra Bose based even tho he met chudjak irl


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>White nationalism... LE BAD even though they're all brown so I'm racist for saying so


i look like this



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>Go on /commiepedotroonpol/
>they're all shilling for gun control, even that attention whore "Shay" who's identity is centered around being a true redneck (he's not)
>most of the scant pro-gun posts are about arming le heckin' wholesome niggers so da KKKops can't arrest them

Do leftoids just realize that they would get obliterated by the right in the event their "communist revolution" was ever attempted in the USA? They seem really submissive and blackpilled to neoliberals and (((WEF))) on this issue.



leftists need to be armed at all costs, only internet tranny liberals deny this


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I just linked a thread full of tankies all supporting gun bans and whining about Americans owning "too many" guns. I think you're confusing a small white autistic minority among the left with what your actual base is.

Also these people are literal jewish mongoloids.


how do they figure the russian civil war was won? with tranny propaganda and endless revolutionary defeatism? or with violence, weapons and terrorism against their enemies, why are they too cucked to admit this


I think they just know the right has them outgunned; but part of it is they have the mindset of relying on state-appointed organizations to do everything for them. They think they can just meme an "official communist people's militia" that represents the nascent communist state, but totally isn't the evil KKK police or a porky "private militia", and this imagined group would go kill the chuderinos for them while they sit at home and circlejerk about political theory.


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They're also complaining about Americans owning individual houses with lawns in that thread, lol.

>YOU WILL live in a huge soulless grey concrete cube packed-in like sardines with a bunch of beaners and niggers!!!

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 No.22010[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Website is down.


Works fine for me


There's no TDS today likely because it's Memorial Day (burger holiday).





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Wow! awesome thanks for making the video so fucking loud that the bass from my speakers made my 2 week old ipad pro fall down off the shelf and have its screen shattered really enjoying my time here on soyjak.party :))))


Why you have 3 mouths?



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i like how the stars make a hat

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Absolute state of tinfoil 2chan chuds


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Due to Niggys and spiccys the USA has a high gun crime rate
In Canada jeets come at each other with knives
In Germany they just rape you


Having the contest of man versus man with a real possibility of death through tragic violence is a part of the world you will realize you miss once everything is sanitized and put on guardrails


The Swiss would land around the same spot as China in this graph, but they aren't included for some reason. They also have the highest per capita gun ownership rate in the world :)

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>named Adolf Hitler
>Ran as a socialist


>Where 8chan wanted to create a white nationalist colony


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Yeah so

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Armstrong is literally me except i'm more ripped and charismatic and richer and stronger and i win in the end


stop impersonating me

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