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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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sirs yes, immidietly redeem to soros, bill gates, UN, globohomo sirs thank


just donate sir

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hello soyjak.party, I am NOT GAY and I request for you to stop insinuating these things




if daddy nick says it then it must be true!


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>hello soyjak.party, I am NOT GAY and I request for you to stop insinuating these things

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New shooting just dropped: https://youtu.be/2JtPbSwdcLU


>FBI scheduled a budget increase request scheduled for next year


Ahhh Tulsa eh? Site of one of the greatest bits of American nigger historical revisionism. I wonder if that will come into play?


Bitch did you link to a gay livestream

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Jews are God's chosen. If you trust God you trust em'


evangelical moment


Haile Selassie profited from slavery but niggers still worship him for some reason


black nationalists are for some reason very insistent on the fact that Ethiopia was never "colonized" but only "conquered"
only god knows what the fuck is the difference supposed to be, i guess it's just their way to cope

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>Russia is bas-

Bros... did the Z stand for ZOG all this time?


Kikes bad
Oligarchy good


dude kys


America of the East.

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It’s Memorial Day.


in memory of the 6 tranzillion mutt zobgots slaughtered by germans hahahaha i piss on your graves


We defeated heckin' Judeophobic fascism, and all I got as a reward was the bank being closed.


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>marries goatfucker
>gets killed

Why are hindu women like this?


they want that BMC doe


>literally can't stop gangraping everything that breathes near them

"why do our women choose to marry other men"

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Supporting "gun control" is a form of slave morality.




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holy shit nickbros... it's actually over.... i was fine with the tranny porn, but the soyface is too far... nick is a beta male confirmed


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Are Jews just a meme to cover the real conspiracy of the Freemansons?


masons work for the jews doe


kikes are at the top, at least in our realm


it's a cover


Kikes probably work for space niggers or some shit, guess we won't know for sure until the jews are out of the way


>space niggers
You mean the Orion STS, uPalzig (tl;dr furries), Mantids, Reptillians, and Greys?

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