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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>No see you don't understand. Those kids HAD to die so my right to buy expensive meme guns to LARP with and take cool pictures of to show off to my internet friends is preserved.


leftypol on the ropes


File: 1653501835780.png (122.89 KB, 1565x845, UK rape increase.png)

>>No see you don't understand. Those kids HAD to die so my right to buy expensive meme guns to LARP with and take cool pictures of to show off to my internet friends is preserved.

File: 1653016603065.png (607.46 KB, 790x603, Jewish yenta cunt hypocris….png)


Why do Jews be like this?
56 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Not. An. Argument.
Also racist + yikes


File: 1653421437221.png (293.7 KB, 494x837, Soyjak Reddit troon Reset ….png)

>Not. An. Argument.
>Also racist + yikes


File: 1653421443454.gif (1.83 MB, 400x400, 1642917436818.gif)

sisters... we won


wow... really original and funny


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>wow... really original and funny

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Lenin cult was the coallies event in the XX century


File: 1653358655007.webm (2.34 MB, 720x480, Lenin pissed on.webm)



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and that's a good thing

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Can I get a hell yeah?
11 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


hell yeah


Hell yeah


hell yeah


hell yeah


i don't celebrate losers

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>collectively TV news stations covered anti-trans violence for less than 45 minutes in 2021 despite it being the worst year on record for violent attacks against the trans community. i should not be able to do a better job than mainstream media covering this as a twitch streamer.
>i have less than 1/18th the number of resources available to me but am able to do a better job than seasoned journalists. this is incredibly fucked up and depressing


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>violence against my privileged minority must be disproportionately covered because we're more important than normal people
>w-what do you mean the ~30 murders of trans people should be covered less than the ~20,000 murders of normal americans, it's not fair!!

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i hate niggers so much
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


this. gigachad is not a hyper-egoist psychopath charicature, he's a hecking wholesome guy who says nice things on twitter :)




no reddit arrow therefore gigachad didnt say that. your move?


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Troon falseflag

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Rainy gems at azovstal


I thought the hohols were winning?


russians took some factory defended by a few hundred men after shelling it for weeks. please let them have this moment


How many ruble did that umbrella cost

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Apu se va de lor sinson


No one cares if he came back or not Simpsons stopped being cool at 15th season.

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I just realized that Yugoslavia is always spelt "Jugoslavia" because the J makes it sound like "Jude" which is German for Jew.
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Into the cuck pit you go


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HRTvatska win


didn't happen, it's all kike lies

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>imperialism bad


It do be unbussin tho

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