The dems are obvious troons, communism, gun-grabbing, kalergi plan, etc.
Republicans are basically slower democrats, they want to kalergi America, but LEGALLY, they want to take the guns, but with a thin varnish of buzzwords that sound traditional, they want to maintain the jew corporate welfare and regulations system that makes it extremely difficult for small business to enter industries, and on top of all that, they aren't troon-free either (see: lady MAGA)
There aren't any viable third parties yet.
There's a couple possibilities I see
We could create a third party that's actually worth a shit (good luck getting elected, still perhaps worth a shot if you can run for office)
We could also become independent of the system, instead relying on each other but being able to rely on ourselves, the Parallel Society, and be prepared for mainstream city-slicking society to collapse in upon itself like the babylonian black hole it is.
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best"
I think we should do both, form a parallel society that rejects the modern degeneracy in addition to forming our own political party and trying to win elections
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