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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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i found the shooters twitter
Shits definitely planned and there is no proving me wrong
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Average fed manifesto cobbled together from 100 separate /pol/ archives and other manifestos by a female intern


this is his real twitter




>Imagine being radicalized by 4chan for 2 years, and trying to practice what they preach by live streaming a massacre and putting all their memes in a manifesto so hopefully other people get radicalized by them and getting thrown under the bus as a glowie
Internet though guy nazis are walking contradictions. Absolute paper tigers.



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Who is that supposed to be




its over for Russians


kuz sisters…

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The elites ruined my birth month. This month used to be full of excitement for my birthday. But in the last few years, its impossible to shake off the degeneracy pushed everywhere.
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But they are genetically different.


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They have more CAVCASUS genes


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fun fact the june month was originally intended for god but these abominations ruined it with rainbows

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The dems are obvious troons, communism, gun-grabbing, kalergi plan, etc.

Republicans are basically slower democrats, they want to kalergi America, but LEGALLY, they want to take the guns, but with a thin varnish of buzzwords that sound traditional, they want to maintain the jew corporate welfare and regulations system that makes it extremely difficult for small business to enter industries, and on top of all that, they aren't troon-free either (see: lady MAGA)

There aren't any viable third parties yet.

There's a couple possibilities I see

We could create a third party that's actually worth a shit (good luck getting elected, still perhaps worth a shot if you can run for office)

We could also become independent of the system, instead relying on each other but being able to rely on ourselves, the Parallel Society, and be prepared for mainstream city-slicking society to collapse in upon itself like the babylonian black hole it is.

"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best"

I think we should do both, form a parallel society that rejects the modern degeneracy in addition to forming our own political party and trying to win elections
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Been reading The Concept of the Political by Schmitt and I think that's what's really lacking. It's laziness too, yes, but not mainly: the problem is a core concept that individualizes. Thus it produces an infinite, confusing two-faced Janus complex of contradictory dialectics (black/white, rich/poor, gay/straight, science/tradition, rationalism/religion, there are infinite dipoles with which to splinter the polis). All of this siphons off every person into an individual, virtual utopia (libertarianism in its final conclusion) and thus prevents the congregation of people with political will required for an effective friend-enemy distinction.
It's designed this way. All the details are like a nerd trap to suck people into these weird little compelling dichotomies. All that matters is friend or foe—the only true dichotomy—does this group fight for or against the interests of my group?


> they aren't troon-free either (see: lady MAGA)
That reminds me of the one time I briefly watched a Fox news segment discussing "transphobia" occurring in a school. I'm sure Jews are preparing to slowly adjust conservatives to be pro-trans with all the right wing tranny youtubers and commentators. It'll be funny to see a future where boomers are flying trans blue lives matter flags to honor the brave transfolx keeping our streets and cities safe.


Your last paragraph is extremely poignant



aww sweet another mass replying ADHD flipino

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are you chuds seriously implying you wouldn't suck on this feminine penis?




why always canacucks? bomb cancerda soot

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fr albeit, why do so many 'ooters have that soulless NPC stare?


>the gay gook as a source
fuck off


The feds had nothing to do with this

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new 'ooting dropped
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What color were the children? I need to know before feeling sorry for them.


all 100% prussian aryan american


He's not a troon. There was some reddit tranny /pol/ was framing as him who doesn't even live in Texas. The motive was that he was bullied for a speech impediment IIRC
>t-t-time to d-die amigo!


What happens in Scania?
Also whats the demographics like in the JewSA nowadays


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I didn't even realise it was the faggot month until i browsed the sharty.
Imagine living in a big city lol


Iberian gem

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i hope everyone involved in making this gets beheaded


>Pizza company sexualizing children
Conspiracybros vindicated again



I'm with "her"

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Cope transphobe, Fuentes is based

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