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kuzjak on Polish reddit is going to the "hot memes" today

+83 updoots 46 minutes after posting






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'arty has become the real powerhouse in the realm of memes


Wykop is like reddit but right wing


It was right-winged in 2014-2019 when Janusz Korwin-Mikke started massacring leftards and everyone liked it (footage has been spammed on wykop then).
It was left-wing (libtard) in 2020 when Michał Białek (site CEO) was bribed by leftist NGOs. Jannies and leftist internet warriors were harrasing everyone who said something bad about faggots. There even a straight man from Warsaw who declared himself tranny without changing appearance and they were defending him like some religious figure.
In 2021 everyone was tired of faggotry and wykop has become more anti-vaxx website but libtards are still having big influence. Now they scare kids that right-wingers are Russian 5th column.


we won.


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Kuz still on page 6

Meanwhile there was 'ncel gem on page 5: https://www.wykop.pl/wpis/64675157/masz-170cm-wzrostu-idz-na-terapie-wychowales-sie-w/


So its just reddit.


wykop and r/polska are largely the same, but wykop is less wholesome and more aggresive


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lol next jakkie
I didn't realize they are so widespread


>polish reddit
yikes, i forgot it's still plagued by autists


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What country in europe has the 2nd highest gay porn production again?


Its your country, and it was the highest at one point.



czechia dilating hard rn, i bet your moms a whore too since that's all that women in czechia work as


So are they using them to show what they look like? Couse they're saying the most soy reddit things I could imagine.


They probably think that soyjak is a new brainlet which was the most overused wojak on this site in the last 4 years.


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Lol @ Polcucks supporting the very same Ukrainian nationalists that genocided them during WW2


Yeah, its like everyone went retarded.


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Yes, but they forgot about is, so they are ok now.



it's on the frontpage of twitter part of this site


>polish >reddit what's the difference?


no-newline fail


Haha, that kind of reminds me of how my state had it's own official imageboard. It's in a weird textboard style but maybe I should start using it.


Found it
It even lists all the regions in that state, so you can post on which area you live in. /raid/?


It looks like there are many based schizos, but many threads are even too edgy for 4chon/pol/. Anyway I am too peaceful to raid anything. I can only show path.


the best part is that VA is a libtard state, so you have Qschizo boomers and edgy fucks in between working class Democrats lmao
check out this thread to see what I mean


this is the most wild ass forum that isn't an imageboard i've ever seen. what the FUCK. like, there are someones parents sharing the same forum with theync gore pics lol.


the majority of the threads are
>libtard shit(whining about Russia at the moment: le putler bad!)
>schizophrenic rants, Qtardism, freemasonry, jews etc.
>"selling xanx, 3 bars for $5"
>mildly entertaining trolling


trolling on old and small internet community's. It's what it used to be all about :)


I could probably make some lefties mad with pro-Russia shilling. I doubt the mods even bother going to their site anymore, it's been anons running buck wild since 2005.

It's an interesting experiment in true anarchy on a small scale.


the breitbart shill schizo is one of my favorite posters


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what if the CP poster got his hands on the site...
oh god.. >:|
don't think about it for too long you might shit yourself


a registered sex offender got doxxed by one of the mods actually


I was thinking that there would be too many porn threads, but there isn't so much and the forum is still readable if you exclude obvious spam. :o

This German heroin seller gave me a chuckle.


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The amount of chuds on that site gives me hope for my state's future. Pic rel.

I remember going to school and all the counselor's offices had "safe space" LGBT stickers on the front door, so that troons and fags would know that they had the school system on their side. Don't ever let ZOG near your country anon. I know how it looks, I live in the heart of it.


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I thought that Virginia was pro-Trump, but I probably mistaken your state with new North Carolina.

Unfortunately we already had an unrest in 2020 and we were battlefield in the european battle for faggotry.
First in summer during the presidential election when there were demonstrations with faggot flags in every major city. We had even our own blm, but only ~100 young girls came here (picrel). Probably from twitter.
It was because of the presidential election. Our Jew-friendly president got reelected after he said some based words against lgbt, but also promised more gibs to old people (idk, many of them are stubborn and hate young men) and families (pretty based because they work too much sometimes).

In November 2020 it was the worst time I have ever lived. We had strict covid measures (our government is semi-based, but we couldn't enter shopping malls and we had to wear masks outdoors until the vaccine was invented, from 2021 they didn't listen to bribed doctors that much) and the constitutional court said that aborting fetuses that will be retarded after birth is illegal. Butthurt of roasties caused widespread protests where their simps and other manipulated people joined. Many protesters had signs, most of them with Polish swear words like "wypierdalać" (gtfo). I literally lost my interest in women for 3 days.

Anyway libtards didn't win that much afterall because these protests became a great compromitation of the left, mainly because of too much kurwas and wypierdalaćs, but also because women have too much privileges here. Also in the summer 2021 the goverment have done pretty well when our army was defending eastern border from illegal Kurds sent by Lukashenko.

So, we can say that lgbt and blm lost in Poland hardly. There are 100,000-sized nationalist marches without any casualities (picrel). But even if extreme woke left lost, we still have problem with ecoshills and Germany is helping them. They want to sell (((green))) energy because they have the best technology in it but also want to shut our coal mines. :(

Picrel is a footage of 2020-2021 happenings. So, there is still a big chance for us to win. :)


>I thought that Virginia was pro-Trump, but I probably mistaken your state with new North Carolina.
It used to be a southern confederate state, but when it became the Capitol where all the decisions are made (((congress))) moved there, bringing the state jews with them. Now it's BLM libtard trannyville. Be grateful you don't live in an area where the churches have tranny flags in front of their doors with "ALL ARE WELCOME HERE!!!" plastered on them.

The majority of people here are libtards but the sports teams seem to have more based zoomers. Guess the fit people are more right wing meme is real.


i can smell the soybean from here


Poland is one of the only keyed European countries, along with Hungary.


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Here's a quick infographic that explains it


>Northern VA is all red
That doesn't seem right....


Lol, last year I realized that most protestant churches in western countries legalized marriages of gays. It accelerated too quickly for me. :/

If it comes to people who do sport they are really kinder and calmer. I'm lazy as f**k, partially because of being a real sperg, but when I go on bike or on skis (my father took me) all people are less nervous than in the center of cities.
There are two types of people I see in the malls who I see rarely doing sport:
-Poor people who wear default clothes, they probably think only about survival of them and their family. They're poor probably because of being impulsive which can be a result of working too much in factories/working with children and having slave mentality cause their parents shouted at them too much (they can do the same damage to their children). Also alcohol doesn't improve it. They vote mostly for based parties, but it's because TV programs makes their scared of libtards.
-People who almost never go outside the city centres. They are also nervous as hell and these are this kind of people who vote for libtard and lefty parties. They become lawyers, teachers and administration workers and become elitist (a requirement to become a libtard). When they go on vacations they spend their time by laying on beaches and riding by car.

These district borders seem completely fair. xd

Tbh I also don't see full salvation in nationalism. Our ruling party is semi-based because they still want to take gibs from European Union, they just don't want to form an european federation. They are also welfare party, but for me it depends on which type of gib is good. Also they rise taxes, mostly to rich people. Huge amounts of taxes end up in useless projects by local communities like a benches in parks for 100000zł (~30000$), so friends of mayors got more money without hard working which they spend for their lamborghini or holidays in Egypt. Also nationalism and lgbtqiack+ is mainly about what's happening in our minds and I must to have time for autistic things I like. :/
Back to the parties, many of based decisions by our govt is made because the biggest party (PiS) which is semi-based, opportunistic and ruled mainly by one man (Jarosław Kaczyński) needs one smaller (Solidarna Polska) which is more independent, so they have majority in parliament. Also we have one very based, but a bit schizo party in the opposition (Konfederacja) which is the only party with anti-welfare stance. Their obstruction caused us to have non-strict covid laws in 2021. One MP even sait that our health minister will hang. They are labeled as Russian agents mainly because they are more keen to say opposite views to hivemind, not being real Russia-lovers.
Also our president loves Jews and Americans and even vetoed one act which would let authorities to fire directors of public schools who embrace faggotry (there are schools like this in Warsaw). He was probably forced to do it by American govt because we need jets, rockets, tanks and helicopters to be prepared for potential war with Russia. :/


Ok, I wrote many words in this chatroom, but I'm a sperg who likes to spread my knowledge. xd I can tell what my grandfather remembered during ww2 if you're interested, but it isn't something really epic.


Go ahead, it’s your blog


Ok, but at least tomorrow. xD
Gooderino nighterino.


Yeah, I think it's interesting to listen about other countries from an alternative perspective instead of from (((mainstream historians))).


gn bro


Idk, but our historical narrative is also pretty biased and it's better to listen to family and what they experienced. I believed that our first prime minister (Tadeusz Morawiecki) was a hero who fought communism, but my family told me he was a glownigger of communist deep state who protected them. xp Same with Lech Wałęsa who was an actual retard with a mission to hijack the anti-communist movement.



Ok, now bout my grandfather's experience.

He was born in late 1920s, so it was middle of interwar period and Poland was ruled by Józef Piłsudski. Piłsudski was our war hero who fought in WWI for Austrians, he was imprisoned by Germans for not pledging oath for German and Austrian emperors (it was political stunt because he wanted to become a hero). He united Polish independence movements in Russian and Austrian partitions after the end of WWI, conquered Lwów (Lviv) from Ukrainians, Wilno (Vilnius) from Lithuanians and btfod Soviets when they wanted to make us a Soviet republic and start (((revolution))) in Germany. He retired for 8 years and came back changing our ill-functioning democracy into a centrist dictature. Although he said many based sentences like "our nation is great, only people are kurwas" he wasn't a great ruler. He didn't try to industrialize the country, instead of this he believed that horses will still be useful. He tried to balance between Germany and Russia without investing much in defence. He'd probably go with Hitler into Russia like Finland di, but he died in 1936 and was replaced by weak people he kept around him to stay being dictator. They actually try to modernize Polish army, but it was to late. They fell for British and French alliance meme and they lost.

Back to the interwar period it wasn't really bad period. We were poor ofc, but generally wealth increased. There was many cultural , mostly modernist, although many of these buildings looked kino.

Back again to how my grandfather lived. He officially lived in a town, but his family still had field and farmed potatos on it. They were also tailors because my region (areound Łódź) had big textile industry. Most of the factories were owned by Germans because they had more money from their home country and Jews because they work like a mafia, but generally rich Jews had obligations to help poorer ones. Also Jews had saying that bad trade is still better than good hard work. Grandfather said that there were Jewesses on trading market that colored white cheese with carrots. His father had problem with one Jew who was a workshop ownet and he didn't want to pay him in normal money, but in coupons to his daughter's store. Father went to police officer and this Jew was forced to pay him normally. Now I'm kinda shocked I don't even have problems with bureaucracy and my employers (I always get pay in time). Another funny thing about Jews I remember is that my grandfather was going to school which had 2 Polish and 2 Jewish classed. When pauses started Poles and Jews had fight with each other. My grandpa said he was doing pranks to them with their friends, but later their fathers chased them. He said their classroom stinked from fish and garlic. Anyway (((they))) weren't as problematic to deserve gassing. Maybe only some affirmative action like at least 50% of university places awarded to Polish students because (((they))) started to dominate lawyer positions (and rule of lawyers could become rule of Jews). This limit actually happened and it wasn't a bad thing. Anyway our mainstream historians also try to portrait Joos as better than they were. Many of them started to use Polish language. Last thing I remember is they had kinda funny funerals where they were going around the grave many times and finally they put the dead one in it. My father spectaded one of these funerals when he hid somewhere, so Jews didn't see him.

Back to my town there lived like 4000 Kikes, 2000 Poles and 2000 Germans and it was pretty normal in these times because both Polish nobility and peasants (my ancestors ^^) lived in the villages. If it comes to Germans there was many of them and they were mostly some farmers and craftsmen who settled here during Russian rule. When Hitler became fuhrer many of [[[them]]] liked it, others not really. In our part of the town there was one woman who was a vocal hitlerboo and her house was once attacked by Polish nationalists (I appreciate it xD). There was many Germans in this part of the town, there was like 1/2 of Poles and other 1/2 of Germans. Jews lived in the center of the city which became ghetto from the start of occupation until most of them were shoah'd. There were some German.

War broke on 1 September 1939 and it was coincidentally was the start of school year. So my grandfather wend to school only to be told by teacher that war has started and he could come back home. Hitler wanted to attack 4 days earlier, but he was stopped some diplomatic disagreements (probably caused by Britain and France). There was also 2 months of moving troops from Germany to the border before the invasion. My town is now in Central Poland, but then it was only 50km from border with Deutschland. Generally Poland wasn't well prepared for war with [[[them]]]. Ther had amassed 50% more soldiers than our whole army. Several times more tanks and aircraft, so they could firs rush with many troops and use blitzkrieg in our weak points. There were also problems with communication in our army and the chief of the army chose to defend borders instead of defending rivers. Generally half of the army was obliteraded during retread on 3-8 of September because Krauts had mobile divisions which could encircle armies easily. The main reason why this campaign lasted for month and not fortnight was because Germans missed that one army in Poznań area was functional and they counterattacked on 9-14 of September (battle of Bzura), but it only gave some real material loses to Krauts as they moved some divisions from elsewhere to the Bzura river and again defeated this army in a week. French and British didn't really use the occasion, but I'm not certain that it would help them. Germany's morale was still better than this of allies. On 14-21th September Germans started encircling other units and on 17th of September Russkies entered and it was over. There was not too much soldier death because we didn't have enough ammo and Krauts encircled our troops too many times.

My grandfather was still a teen, but his uncle fought as a soldier. I remember that he fought in the Łódź army. He had one battle when he was ordered to destroy a machine gun with hand grenade, but the machine gun operator saw him and this uncle had his hand paralyzed forever. ;_; Then he went with the army to Modlin and stayed here until the capitulation of the fortress (28th of September probably). He was left home and came here.

My grandfather said that during the war there was some Belarussians in the Polish cavalry as Poland was further east than today. on the 4rd of September the Germans were in a nearby village, on 5-6th of September there was a battle in a hill nearby and on 6 of September Polish army retread east because of danger of encirclement somewhere. Before entering the Luftwaffe bombed our town council building and it was the main destruction in my town. Also Germans then dropped more bombs than modern armies do. It was meant to terrorize population and make them block roads, so Polish army had communication problems. Wehrmacht was welcomed by liberators by some Germans and some Jews later thought that it was Poles and (((they))) were mad at us. This town was meant to be in a General Governorate (some administrative unit like colony in former Poland), but local Germans wrote a mail to Hitler and we were annexed straight into Reich.

Generally all the fun has started. Poles were treated as lesser Aryans and jews were treated as animals. You could kill a Jew without consequences. Poles also could be expelled from home by Germans. I don't remember if Germans killed or deported Jews into ghetto during first days, but probably the later because I knot it existed. Some rich Jews could buy their freedom for gold, but only for something like a week. Also Jewish books and religious things were burned on the main square. Generally it was a paradise for chuds, but I'm not that edgy. xd The only good thing Germans did was that number of thieves had fallen down drastically. In TV they talk that Poles sheltered more Jews than an any other nation, but my grandfather don't remember any case. Only ~20 survived Shoah because they had some important profession and were sheltered by actual German authorities.

Again about Poles. If you had German surname you could sign some paper (Volkslist) and officially become a German. :o Many of these people were called Volksdeutsch and they still used Polish language, but they could eat what they want as pork meat was nur für Deutsche. Today if somebody is a germanboo he can be called in this way. My friend (male) dubs his friend(female) "Folksdojcz" because she still thinks that German things are better (maybe it's some kind of female virtue signalling). After a year my grandfather was taken a farm which was similar to kolkhoz in Soviet Union and worked here. He didn't have to go to school as a Pole. Poles in General Governorate were taught some basic things math for retards as Slavs were meant to be slaves, but there was no Polish schools in the proper Reich. He initially worked for a Polish Bauer (farmer in German, but it meant head of kolkhoz), but then he was transferred to a German one and he was harsher. My grandpa said that his uncle was farming pigs and they were meant for Germans who put some signs on pig's ear, so Poles don't eat it. The uncle killed the pig, took the sign to a smaller one and told Germans that the pig cannot grow. He probably survived as grandpa doesn't say about his death.

In the 1943-1944 when Germany started to lose they were using some forced labour of the conquered peoples. Grandpa's father was took to Hannover where he was working in a factory which was making batteries for U-Boots. He could mail their family, but it was censored, so he had to translate sentences like "England and France bomb us" to "Anthony and Frank come to us".

My grandpa wasn't taken that far away. He had to dig trenches ~80km from our home town. He had a Christmas break when he could come back to family, but he still had to come back. The trenches were useless because Russkies drove around them. The German commander was saying "alles Scheisse" (everything shit). One day he went to work with other Polish workers, but somehow they didn't got lunch. They checked several times and realized that Germans are gone. Now they had to come back to their town. It was ~15th January 1945. My granpa was going with some of their friends and ate very few things. They were hosted by some lady in her house where she gave them some potatos. On the next they were still going. One time there was a hillarious situation where German soldiers stayed and some villagers were singing Polish anthem out loud. It was probably Wehrmacht, which wasn't as chuddy as SS, so they let them sing. Some 20 kilometers from the town he met first Soviet forces and they were some rear squads. My grandpa slept there and on the next day he arrived in his town where there was many Soviet units. There were tanks. :o Now it was leftypol's paradise, but not as epic as first days of German occupation. There was a German from Russia shot by Sovets. He begged in Russia something like "don't shoot, I'm your brother", but he was shot anyway. :c My grandpa didn't say about any rape accident even if Russians (mainly Russian thugs and minorities like Buriats) were famous of raping Germany. Maybe because they knew Poland wasn't responsible for this war, so rapes were less common.

Anyway when he came to his house his family was hosting some Russian soldiers. One of them showed a map of what they have got. This map stayed here after was, but was lost and I'm a map fan. These soldiers ate a pig and unfortunately stole a watch. xp So one of Soviet army stereotypes were confirmed.

Generally the war was over as nobody of our family was taken to the new Polish army (with Soviet officers and two figureheads as main generals). After the war Soviets installed a commie government which was strenghtening their power year after a year. At first we even had normal capitalist market. There was several tens of butchers around the town. Then we were (((forced))) by Stalin to implement communism with the help of liberators. The finance minister, (((Hilary Minc))) raised taxes for private businesses, so nobody could afford and only the businesses belonging to state survived (with exception of one in my town, but it wasn't that much). Generally, planned marked is many times worse than free market, because planners can be corrupted and prone to nepotism.

Another bad thing was propaganda, censorship and terror. My grandpa was a worker, so it didn't reach him as much as people active in politics on the wrong side, but generally Stalin was praised like a god and independent Poland before the war was called fascist (they were as fascist as stonetoss). Many Jews rose to the power because Poles didn't like anti-clericalism of a new rulers. There was also a concentration camp for Germans with a Jew as a commander. o_o It was so harsh that he was eventually fired. Only good thing was that big areas belonging to nobility was divided for farmers. Commies wanted to make kolkhozes, but hopefully failed and our agriculture is in better state than in Czechia (in the countryside there are very big farms with only one plant farmed o_o). My grandpa started working in a textile factory and he became someone like manager and mechanic who repaired the machines used to make textiles. He worked until nearly the end of communism.

There were also anti-communist guerillas. After liberation the commies forced independent guerillas (like Home Army which was treated as an official army for exiled government in London) to disband or attacked it. Some guerillas like NSZ (nationalists) never trusted commies. One of these commanders fought in our area and did some actions like killing members of communist party. Sadly a brother of my neighbour was killed because he was a soldier then (they targeted some communist services more than soldiers probably, but I don't know).

I remember that my grandpa saw Stalin's portrait in the newspaper covered in shit laying on the ground somewhere in the town.

When Shitin died the communism started to ease and in 1956 a new secretary of Polish communist party dropped and everything was coming back to the new normal. Pre-war Poland ceased to be called fascist, propaganda became more subtle and some parts of western degeneracy arrived. Also the church wasn't attacked overtly as during stalinism. Censorship still remained until 1989 when communism ended. Former commies got their wealth secured and they were rebranded into democratic socialists. Ready to be accepted into European Union by Western Soycialists. Anyway, in 1989 teachers could finally say that Russkies attacked us in 1939, not just taken these lands. xp

Also our transformation from planned marked to free marked was said to be "shock therapy" (designed by Jeffrey Sachs), but it was more "the rapy" because many factories were sold to Germans, French and in lesser extent for Anglos for nearly free and corrupt politicians liked it. Unemployment has risen because products the factories made were not really wanted on a free market. Somehow Ukraine-tier corruption never happened because initial attempts were thwarted by societal butthurt and some journalists who didn't happen to be hyaenas looking for sensations. Also many government officials were kinda patriotic and rational despite of influence of former commies. Anyway it's pretty better than in 90s.


not reading all that shit, meds toilet cleaner


did you really write all of that? cause its quite impressive



Idk, my autism hit hard. xd


Also my grandfather likes to tell stories about the war and generally about his life. Now he's 94 and talks about these things less frequently, but 3 years ago he was telling more of them. Before he catched influenza and grandma died then. :(


im sorry to hear that chud


not your fault :/



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