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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Whens the sexual revolution gonna happen


The what


Gay concept invented by french jews
You're "liberated" until you get AIDS and die due to having illicit sex with multiple strangers every day

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make sure you go to heaven when you die
>the bible way to heaven

>once saved always saved sermon


>for germans:


>aids the judgement of god

16 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Gods not real probably but if it keeps you away from faggotry go for it ig


kys mutt


>same flag


boo hoo


Chicano, I don't hate you. Being Catholic is probably better than being a left wing twitter obsessed freak. But remember that clinging to some unobjectionable fact, like a God MUST exist, might actually hinder you from growing as a person. Keep that in mind.

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>Holy mother of ZELENSKY! The Reddit Brigade is FIGHTING THE RUSSIANS! SO BRAVE!
>5k upvotes have been transferred to your account
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tranny coal


tranny gem


she's kinda hot


the war is real stop being distracted see their real goals

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a 41 year old wrote this


A 27 and a half year old wrote this


A 72 years old liberian war veteran wrote this.


you misspelled librarian, stupid


she's right

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redpill me on Franconians




Bavarians are German but special ones
Franconians are Bavarians but special ones


In what way are they special?

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bros... wasn't this supposed to be the year of the chud?


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You'll never get rid of...
Der Chud


*des Chuden


*Der Ewige Chud


chuds forever

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Why are americans so cringe?
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Well obviously, the US is significantly larger and has more resources, you're allowed to keep most of your income too. There aren't as many taxes and regulations so you have a much higher chance of making yourself rich provided you have the set skills. I know people who came from backwater Vietnam and own huge houses in nice neighborhoods because they immediately went for a high paying job.


Richness leads to degeneracy and AIDS.


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richness is the result of hard work and excellence, you are just jealous, and stop talking nonsense nigga



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i got a question for you eur𝗮𝗽𝗲peon, why are you americas bitch

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Why did capitalism fail?
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ok and


Every country on earth is capitalist to some degree and it's still the best system we have


back to reddit


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>Every country on earth is capitalist to some degree and it's still the best system we have

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Who's your favorite type of European and why?

I like slavs the most. They remind me a lot of Southern Americans: deeply religious, patriotic and conservative. Very humble and down to earth people. Many slav languages sound really cool too, even their accents in English I like.
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Dacian ruby


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>Anglos, obviously — the protagonists of humanity


first pic is aryan



not white aryan, which is what matters


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Don't you have pockets to pick, Drac?

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kek based


They get bullied however.


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strawman mega-coalpe

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