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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Why do japanese chuds nettuyo types hate ukraine now? What do they get from supporting russia?
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>asiatic blood makes you a murderous beast
really because last time i checked they all looked like women


Asians love killing and raping other Asians though?


Europeans love killing and raping other Europeans though?


Fair, but Asians do that of their own volition instead of being pushed to by ZOG


retarded take lmfao, do you think the Romans were "pushed to by ZOG"?

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>Obama bad even doe he got dat bbc
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That's true. They stole Skåne and Norway from us. Then Germany stole Slesvig-Holsten. It's over.


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Ooooops, I failed!


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>>Obama bad even doe he got dat bbc


obama did nothing for my country.


obama did everything for my country

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>Rossiya vpere-ACK


Page 40 bump

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gem goes up


I hate Jews, spics, and niggers so god damn fucking much.


Because you have opened this... you will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life... if you don't break the chain. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't send this to at least 10 people by the stroke of midnight tonight you will be forever cursed in love. Just copy and paste this.. Good Luck!

File: 1650317270120.png (283.13 KB, 1500x498, 1650315054370.png)


new comic by stonetoss


new tossie is 'morrow, sweety

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Can an aussie explain to me how your right wing party has been winning almost every election but refuse to take any action against immigration?


they would have to return all whiteoids to europe of course they are not serious about their anti-immigration stance


Why are there so many australian libtards, do they just want their country to turn into a worse version of america or what


All members of the British Empire have been psyoped into being cucks for centuries.

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>ukraine war doesn't matter
>...because whites dying is good


>anti-European rascism
like clockwork


torCHAD since day one you can't do shit nigga

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Prev: >>373439750 →

▶DAY: 54
▶DAILY REPORT: https://isw.pub/RusCampaignApr17
>Five missile strikes have been reported in the western city of Lviv
>Russian shelling and air strikes hit multiple targets across Ukraine
>Men said to be crew from lost Russian warship Moskva are shown on parade in Sevastopol
>Russia says it will spare lives of fighters in Mariupol if they lay down arms on Sunday
>New strikes hit the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital & explosions heard in western city Lviv
>Ukraine claims all 500 crew of RU navy flagship Moskva killed in missile strikes
>Russia warns "unpredictable consequences" if Western nations continue supply of weapons to Ukraine
>Flagship of RU navy in the black sea, the Moskva, sunk by Ukrainian Neptune anti-ship missiles
>Russia responds by striking factory outside Kyiv where neptune missiles are manufactured
>Russian MoD maintain the ship sank because of a fire
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won what? cocksucking competition?


won what? cocksucking competition?






type s0yjak.party instead

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>israel NOT first


nice vpn


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nuh uh


let me see your trash bin with a this soyjak { https://booru.soy/post/view/6499#search=are_you_soying_what_im_soying } taped to wall above the trash bin while also holding a paper with a timestamp and your hairy legs that can be seen within the frame of the picture

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blacks are only excellent at being slaves

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