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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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mymy makes me horniest in first half
maya makes me horniest in second half


Hnnnnng I need to stop watching porn ASAP


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Black culture general?

File: 1652589900684.png (1.76 MB, 1140x984, 1640444839476.png)


new 'toss
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


bruh look at dis nigga little ass head


bruh look at dis nigga little ass head


bruh look at dis nigga little ass head


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handsome aryans over here

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After the indo-europeans left india, how long did it for them to become europeans/mleccha? When did they stop considering themselves indian?


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>After the indo-europeans left india, how long did it for them to become europeans/mleccha? When did they stop considering themselves indian?


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probably around the same time that the word indian became associated with negroid subhuman dravidians like you


Indoeuropeans are in fact from southern part of Eastern Europe (Volga-Don region)


In that time there were multiple and more distinct clades of humans in India. Think how in Afghanistan today they have some dark people and some people with A10 blue eyes, but they are from different tribes and hate each other

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How much do niggers owe us for all the damage they've done while living here?

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How much do niggers owe us for all the damage they've done while living here?


They are poor

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was the new 'ooting caused by 4cuck?


moot personally financed it


weird image


normal image


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>normal image

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>Russia invading Poland next bad even tho it gives me a perfect excuse to run away from this shithole for good


You’re going to get drafted


Where would you go? And what's so bad about Poland?


Too many gibs from the EU, pure ethnostate thanks to the soviets, and free higher education. The horror!


they are white niggers though, i've been


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>pure ethnostate thanks to the soviets

Soviets encouraged nonwhite immigration and Third-Worldism, it's just that nobody wanted to go there because it was so poor compared to the West.

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>I started browsing 4chan in May 2020 after extreme boredom, remember this was during the outbreak of covid. […] There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the White race is dying out, that blacks are disproportionately killing Whites, that the average black takes $700,000 from tax-payers in their lifetime, and that the Jews and the elite were behind this. From there, I also found other sites, like worldtruthvideos.website, dailyarchives.org, and dailystormer.cn where through data and exposure to real information I learned the truth.
Fucking retard zoomer newfags


>I never even saw this information until I found these sites, since mostly I would get my news from the front page of Reddit. I didn’t care at the time, but as I learned more and more I realized how serious the situation was.
The absolute state


>I told myself that eventually I was going to kill myself to escape this fate. My race was doomed and there was nothing I could do about it.
Beyond parody


How come I've been lurking on 4chan for a decade now and never felt like committing any dangerous crimes? Hell, I don't think it even changed my political perspective any significantly.


It was written by a glownigger of course its shit., next thing you'll hear in the news is people """being radicalized online during the pandemic"""


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Mentioning 4chan in the first paragraph is a sure sign of a glownigger operation. Jews want it taken down.

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