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/soy/ - Soyjak

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1645495811906.png (143.43 KB, 807x1258, 1601245239970.png)


This thread is for either newer users or people that don't have enough soy memes in their folder.

Soyjak wiki: wiki.soyjak.party
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1651750531105.png (306.5 KB, 800x634, gem.png)

Soyjak booru: https://booru.soy/

File: 1678584148928.jpg (28.95 KB, 600x600, 1676715786088589.jpg)


>no posts in 9 months
shartbabytoddlercels really fell off huh

File: 1655238413569.gif (116.54 KB, 400x400, soot2.gif)


you can solve the datamining captcha here



my gem is here

File: 1655234428390.png (111.48 KB, 473x307, E78E1BC5-EC29-4324-958C-D2….png)


37 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Having bolt lock-up significantly complicates things, but it is possible


They use pistol ammo for most 3d prints for a reason


They use pistol ammo for most 3d prints for a reason


theres probably some durability factor or something


They use pistol ammo for most 3d prints because it's cheaper and there's less energy

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soot really killed respect after this
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File: 1655236334267.jpg (126.4 KB, 1125x1097, 10294 - bloodshot_eyes cry….jpg)

>Clipboard tranny



Frfr bro soot is MID


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File: 1655237897988.png (328.7 KB, 429x595, dgcdj89lbm591.png)


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Why are niggers depicted as authleft? Did they learn to read and invent some kind of black soviet union when nobody was looking


nigger coal go back


holy gem


they were part of the nigger weed hivemind until the CIA forced crack on them


File: 1655238837264.png (584.35 KB, 574x574, jimmy8.png)

they were part of the nigger weed hivemind until the CIA forced crack on them

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>Alternate History of soyjak.party - Every Week (2020-2030)
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not clicking that shit


I'm waiting




When will you faggots encourage people to start making OC
The state of this imageboard


the colorjak spam wars were the first major 'party thing i remember. of course after that you have the deletion of /qa/, the /bant/ colonization attempts, the kuz vs soot wars, and all the shit with goth.

File: 1655063819980.jpg (106.29 KB, 832x996, 1654013857919.jpg)


>you can't watch cp even doe it could involve dat BBC
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File: 1655237676419.png (67.8 KB, 775x849, fdsgg.png)

cp spammers never posted dat BBC though...


File: 1655237925682.png (52.72 KB, 775x849, neutral cobson.png)

they unironically did


what do you think dancing_swede was


File: 1655238513779.png (82.85 KB, 775x1068, gfhfgfdgdfg.png)

i missed it

File: 1655234943978.png (140.91 KB, 636x822, E77716C6-2341-4A11-869F-9A….png)


You will never be a dutch girl
6 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Do you have a pants on fire image


File: 1655237152788.png (328.67 KB, 484x1521, xzczxc2468 - arm eyes_popp….png)


File: 1655238272307.jpg (38.94 KB, 1500x1477, are-you-fuing-kidding-me-c….jpg)


nas dust

File: 1655237924407.png (264.15 KB, 1080x1384, Screenshot_20220614-161651….png)


mmm wait bros? are we really that many? I thought we were like 30 people


no those statistics are bullshit
soot probably doesn't even know because he serverhops so much


all me


300k vists we would be at a gazillion posts but we don't



File: 1655238438066.png (176.13 KB, 768x699, 1652879952203.png)

if we were that many soot would've already suicided

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