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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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she's right doeugh

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Prostitution legalised in india

>still not in america

Why are christian boomers against idea of people having sex?
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how long until India becomes the new Thailand?



Because it's shameful and it spreads disease.


No one wants to pork an ugly Indian woman, so never.


Ukraine is the new Thailand

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chud bros, how did the bussy corrupt Hitler 2, 3, and 4
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Tranny niggers did frame her, free the femcel milkers


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What about this says she's a /pol/tard? Just sounds like a regular 4chan weirdo.


/pol/ breached it's containment board long ago. Really the only board that isn't filled with /pol/ is /lgbt/ and even then it's filled with quite a few femboy nazis.


Fair 'nuff
Still would (with antifungal cream for after)

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is she true?

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>national socialism
>social democracy
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>political ideologies le good


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>Democratic socialism


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National Socialism is the only sensible choice. The rest is pozzed goy ideology

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I voted for Biden because of Donald’s obsession with kikes.
>moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
>recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
>pulling out of the iran nuclear deal because of AIPAC
>allowing Israel to annex Golan Heights, building settlements there and renaming it to "Trump heights"
>signing into law the Never Again Education Act, expanding Holocaust education in America
>getting the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan to recognize Israel as a nation state, normalizing relations between them
>gave trillions in tax cuts to corporations that are run by jews
>killing anti-zionist Qasem Soleimani, which almost started another 20 year/2 trillion dollar war with Iran
>banning the boycott of Israel on college campuses
>banning corporations from boycotting Israel in 26 different states
>signing into law 20 different israel defence bills which gave billions to Israel
>filled his cabinet up with corrupt politicians and oil businessman
>didn't drain the swamp
>did the same old tax cuts for the rich
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you heard the saying "keep your friends close but your enemies closer"?


i vote for trump because i want war with iran which would mean more /dead americunts/


how you vote based Trump from Deutschland?


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Did you get it hon the mail yet?


did they just assume israel's gender? yikes

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Why did capitalism fail?
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A billionaire sniffing his own farts and giving shitty monologues while poor people's shit is destroyed is exactly what describes the modern left. The fact that they didn't see the parallel is hilarious.


Lmao exactly. Some big media company that owns batman and makes jillions of dollars says "black lives matter" and they soyface as if it isn't explicit proof that their shit is all totally co-opted by the very same billionaires whose cocks they can't bring themselves to quit sucking


>The town gets burned to shit and stays burned down for years

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A protest was held May 23 to get Senator Kyrsten Sinema to end the filibuster. Protesters marched to Church Ave. & Congress St. to hold a sit in in the intersection and block traffic in protest.


Do those little beanlets even know what "filibuster" means?


>>30100 yes retard what did you think


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>yes retard what did you think


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Filibuster bad even though one gigachad can stop 99 soyboys from doing something cringe.


Sinema is a MILF

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More food bought = more niggers killed

Now you have a unique opportunity to optimize as many niggers as possible without sacrificing your life or freedom. The world is now opening a window of opportunity of just a few months, when your small efforts can make a big difference in the world and make it a little cleaner and better. All you have to do is stock up on as much non-perishable food (canned food, cereals, frozen foods) as possible and encourage as many people as possible to do so. Unlike previous years, now all your actions will be enhanced by several coefficients:

1) High fuel and fertilizer prices increase the costs of farmers and agricultural holdings, which reduces the planning horizon and forces producers to refuse to increase production;
2) Unprecedented weather disasters in China, India, Brazil and other key food producers;
3) The effect of panic or "self-fulfilling forecast". The more food they buy -> stronger inflation will be. High inflation -> more countries will impose export restrictions. And this will again increase the effect of panic. This mean an ever-increasing circle or snowball effect.

You don't need massshooting or other stupid things to make effective NIGGERCIDE. All you need is to buy as much food as possible and encourage others to do the same. Moreover, your efforts will not be in vain and you will save on food in the future due to rising prices. What is the best way to convince others of this? Each audience needs a different approach. Racists should be told that their actions will kill as many niggers as possible. Believers need to bring the Apocalypse of John the Theologian and call on them to save their families and their friends. Frighten the cowardly with starvation. For the greedy, give data on rising prices for food futures and advise renting warehouses for further speculation. Some data for arguments:

https://www.barchart.com/futures/quotes/ZC*0/futures-prices - corn
https://www.barchart.com/futures/quotes/ZW*0/futures-prices - wheat
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less food = more niggers moving to your home country where theres more food


i too love wasting money to own the libs


I predict this will be nothingburger bekuz soyentists will still invent something or people will start eating bugs. Also wheat isn't the only cereal (I'm getting fatter bc of wheat).

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A wealthy, powerful religious group called Jews are replacing a minority group called white men with an invasive, pro-life group called wetbacks that breed out of control, so why aren’t white men a protected class of citizens by the government?
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most immigrants are socially conservative


They vote for leftist parties by rates of like 80% thoughever.


Only because rightist parties love lynching them thought


A lynching just flew over my house.


Dude somebody tried to lynch me just last weekend and that's why my homework isn't finished

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