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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Kind of weird how sharty started getting hit with ddos and then this happens

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Chudins be like
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Chud thread


shitty glow op


>tfw this causes 4cuck to get shut down and the sharty finally gets activity


She saw something triggering and hightailed it the fuck out of there

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>chuds.... le BAD even though they make 4cuck die out and bleed in pain

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buffallo chud


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Posting this here since im banned on 4cuck, but there is what looks to be an all black freemason lodge right next to the supermarket where the mass shooting occurred. Also received an error while trying to look further at it so glowies are probably trying to take it down.


Really makes you think


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it looks like someone shitty low budget motel lmao


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Thats not the place though

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Meet the chuds


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Oh my Fauci

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liberals, everyone


i wish i could see what they see


Lmao good lord. This would be room-temp IQ in a meat locker perhaps


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New chud shooter, mentioned 4chinks a lot, its going down like 8chan now lol.
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>4chan clout
What is that supposed to mean?


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Also for some fucking reason normies on twitter think Ron Watking created 4chan. I don't even know where they got that from.


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>Every single imageboard today


literally who


It's pretty simple. They're dumb

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Are you going to Phoenix tomorrow? it'll make the kikes seethe.




racist is healthy


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>racist is healthy


Hyperborean gem

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