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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Yes, Biden did that, sweetie! Enjoy the economy grinding to a halt because truckers can't make deliveries and people can't drive to stores.
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reminder that richard spencer voted for biden




This nigger can't read graphs.


>hurr durr OPEC, hurr durr oil companies
>ignores that the Demoshits have intentionally tried to hamper domestic oil production for decades in order to get votes from hippies in Oregon

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Why did segregationists lose?
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this, jews were big supporters of integration


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cause niggers can't let us have nice things :-(


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Niggers let us have BBC sometimes tho


Vorster was a better PM


Yankees didn't have to live around niggers, so they thought they was good bois and forced integration on the South via armed troops. At least Detroit and Baltimore became crime-ridden nigger hellholes.

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fuck niggers


based. fuck niggers fuck kikes fuck trannies fuck jannies.

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Keep wearing the mask. We need to know who to punch in the face.


itoddler didn't read




You're not going to punch anyone pathetic beta virgin


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Imagine not voting for this lad


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picrel even doe Bolsonaro is one of few keyed leaders in Americas after Drumpf is out

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where can i get free soyjak account?
(asking for a friend)




drink drano works every time


lwów is polush kys hohol pig

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>free trade
>gold standard
>taxation is theft
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.





Why does he not have a chud face?


he look like big babey


>why isn't he nas

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im in ukraine now, the war is fake tbh sheesh

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I do this


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File: 1654623905094.mp4 (5.94 MB, 1920x1080, Only_Without_the_Communist….mp4)


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*Ching chong


disgusting and racist


chingling dong bingboing


thats a bit rude

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