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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




ernest khalimov is azeri iirc


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slightly funny


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only losers and rejects agree with your ideas


This, fuck nazis


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it's just not funny and I want all my /pol/ niggas still stuck in 2016 to know that. This humor is dated and boring. Like, wow, you called me a nigger tranny and told me to suicide my axe wound in a gas chamber, so original dawg. Did you rub your 2 iq points together to come up with that?
Fruitjaks though, now that's where the sharty's real culture is, not these stormnigger/niggermania 2008 memes


of course you chudcel pissbabies are third worlders


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>only losers and rejects agree with your ideas

File: 1649964322010.png (11.82 KB, 232x217, 01.png)


Why are all chudbaby pisscels third worlders?
46 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


thats precisely the upstanding citizen that should own guns to protect himself from ferals and niggas however


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kys gringo


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>Why are all chudbaby pisscels third worlders?

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>EU van Trianon

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twp cope


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Get fucking punched, chuds.


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Seethe harder, Amerishit.


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>Seethe harder, Amerishit.


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>>Seethe harder, Amerishit


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>Get fucking punched, chuds.

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