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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Right is omegabased, left is ubercoal.


god is real but hell isn't.
he's fine with you not loving him, but you will be rewarded greatly if you do it anyway


will He create thousands of original gem soyjaks that i can enjoy in my afterlife if i believe in Him?


heaven is like shart but inaccessible to discordtroons and kolymabots


based. fairy tale believers are cringe.

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For 5 de Mayo, chinga tu madre wetbacks.

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>Entire world is against russia


the global community



India and China are only 1.1 bn. Good to know.


>Canadian education

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How did they lose if they’re Jews?


fall guys for bigger jews



Look at the way they dress and carry them themselves. They're sloppy - an embarrassment. Imagine being a Les Wexner holding a Shabbat dinner and these two putzes show up with liquor on their breath and doped up shiksas pawing all over them in front of the wife and kids. Meshuggenah. Sometimes you gotta feed the goy some meat in front of the young guys to keep them on their toes and let them know that no one is invincible or non disposable. The next crop of Cohens will keep their peckers in their pants and out of the press.

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delete /sci/


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Librard trap nearly impossible to avoid.

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The goal of this thread is to discover the best form of government (or systems of government).
I propose a monarchy to be the best.
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a kuzist dictatorship


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I do believe there to be a fatal flaw in the unitary, parental form of monarchistic thought: it assumes that the ruler of a people is both a pious and competent categorically. I don't believe that many examples of the guiding and noble, but failing ruling class needs to be shown as they are all too common. Just to give a few for further study, much of the authoritarian actions by the Bulgarian government have allowed a form of exploitative oligarchy to form in the region at the expense of the subjects.

I argue instead a government of specialization and decentralization; A government must be minimalist in all ways to be most stable and effective. The government shouldn't be the platonic one of maximal guidence and parentialism, but rather serve one specific, well defined purpose. All powers not delegated to the ruling body must be delegated to the social, economic, and individual forces of a region. As many powers as possible should be relegated to these groups too. This minimalism in goals will allow the government to be less complex and thus less prone to error or corruption. A slimness in this department will also keep government hands out of many areas they shouldn't be entangled in (as that is the most stable).
While this stylistic choice of government is what I believe to be most effective, I will say for the "best" society (that society that I believe to be most optimal for my cutlural norms), would be one where a government is delegated only the power's necessary to resolve problems between competing interest groups. This means the power to regulate and suspend private organizations if they pose a risk to others, the right to rise an army to defend itself from outsiders and internal revolts that aren't petitioned for, the right to exile problem groups from the union if necessary, and a right to regulate the cultural institutions to prevent rot.

This government should be akin to the judicial tradition of the Americas and derive its guidence from a set of goals, intents, ambitions, and rights set about in some axiomatic document that is necessary to accept if one wishes to participate in the society the government governs. This document must be the axiomatic canon of the people as it pertains to the governmental structure: it must declare the rights and sentimates that the government exists for, the reasons for conservation, the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



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>under section 34 of Secure Credits and Taxes act, the president can induce artificial inflation and if the inflation gets high enough, technically Trump can declare emergency powers and not leave the office, google "Trump SCAT inflation rule 34" for more info


Coomer dust

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New breadpanes
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Are you trying to say trans women shouldn’t be able to get abortions chud?


Gem toss


lol what if a tranny got a poop aborted?


Lol get it because niggers look like poop color



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the reason why chuds dont read books is usually because chuds are able to participate in manyl activities due to having sufficient testosterone in their body
you see a chud might take up boxing or hunting which takes too much time in their day and they can't be bothered to read a book
since leftists break their wrists at the minimum sign of effort they usually stick to doing less physically demanding activities which is reading (which ends up being a gigantic waste of time if they're just reading leftist props) or cuckposting on 4chan


High test right wingers exist, but they are not on 4cucks, so they are not chuds


One example would be the black men you so often have sex with

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Where are you /pol/?
I'm where Stalin is
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at the neck of the "i just want to grill" guy


infront of Hitler's BWC


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Centre authoritarian/hitler


Bottom right but I hate lolberts and ancaps


Political compass is utter coal however I am top left

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