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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1655107208438.jpg (208.44 KB, 640x1280, russia btfo.jpg)


new 'toss


Kys kolyma soytin semen slurper


too much text
didnt read

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quote mine comment section

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remember that time indisputable proof of the jewish pedophile elite conspiracy reached the public consciousness and they stopped caring in a week



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This explains EVERYTHING


discord filename


What's that funny symbol on the guys shirt?


It is le Buddhist symbol of peace, chud

File: 1650588989974.png (15.37 KB, 190x200, it's over chud 2.png)


An Italian chudin teen offed himself...
14 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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He didn't, there havent been any suicides in the region he lives in for months


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it's over...





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If we outlawed (((social science))) classes in schools and universities, then Jewish bullshit like this wouldn't have as much power. There's still the issue of Jewish-owned press, but they still get a lot of power/influence/money from my academic credentialism (in the field of self-serving sophistry bullshit).

STEM, by comparison requires hard material evidence for its theories and curriculum, so it's less prone to Jewish subversion. It's also a lot more practical and utilitarian in the long run.
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Sulzberger isn't Jewish despite his name, he's Scottish protestant (ie, the true evil).


I don't think doctors who are willing to perform, or even condone, troon surgery are all that common. It's mostly doctors in deep blue shitlib areas, and only a handful at that. Also, people like Dr. Oz, etc., are acting on the whims of Jewish media capital.


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Anybody who hasn't noticed by now that jews are genocidal, have kept this vendetta for thousands of years, and direct huge portions of every major institution around the world to commit a quiet holocaust on their "amalek" is fucking chewing-on-drywall retarded and should be beat about the head with hammers. Hopefully in their zeal to rebuild the Wiemar republic in multiple countries they shoah themselves for real this time.
Millennia of making people so angry that they riot and run them out of countries and they think it'll all be fixed if they topple Westphalia. No you fucking jews, you think the niggers you use as a bioweapon will care about your hook-nosed disgusting nebbish ass? It'll start happening again, that's obvious


The NYT Sulzberger family is absolutely Jewish, don't be ridiculous. It's very easy to look up, not even one of those crypto things


I hate (((social science))) so much it's unreal.

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pov: you just said trans rights aren’t human rights in front of me and my comrades
17 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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Gay bait


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left can't meme


I mean that's right


communism is bad, nigger

File: 1655059671092.png (7.61 MB, 5200x3544, nigger.png)


take the vaccine
wear mask
stay home
shut down business
listen to jewlords
do not question authority EVER

>mfw https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21066966-defuse-proposal

File: 1654706842858.png (484.8 KB, 455x447, kuz vdv.png)


Does anyone actually think russians are white?
13 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


lol that’s hilarious


>duhhhh race


don't listen to them kuz


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>>duhhhh race


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>>>duhhhh race

File: 1654895532587.png (2.08 MB, 1238x1342, ClipboardImage.png)


new 'toss




tossbros we are back


one on the top right looks the most accurate


They eatin' bananas in Heaven.

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