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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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New Tariq Nasheed just dropped.



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New Ben original just dropped.


holy shit based ben does it again


Why is the kike seesaw calling two animals on a seesaw kikes


'toss however

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same person

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Israel demands apology from 🇷🇺 for “unforgivable” holocaust statements. Zelenskyy accuses 🇷🇺 of forgetting history.



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>What is NATO?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is a is an intergovernmental military alliance of 30 countries; 27 of which are in Europe, with the three remaining members being Turkey, Canada and the United States. NATO is, for the most part, a defensive alliance. It acts as a safeguard to protect the democratic world from Russian influence and aggression. It also conducts military operations to defend democracy and human rights. Most notably, it was responsible for the assassination of Gaddafi and the bombing of Yugoslavia. It should be noted that these acts were taken to prevent genocidal tyrants harming their subjects further. NATO is a beacon of liberty and democracy in an otherwise dark, despotic world.
>NATO is used to provoke and corner Russia
This is one of the most common vatnik talking points, and it's completely false. The eastward expansion of NATO did not break any promises made between the USSR and the west, nor is it an act of aggression towards Russia. States neighbouring Russia seek NATO membership because they are rightly fearful of a Russian invasion as seen in Ukraine and Georgia. NATO has no intention of invading Russia. Russia has 6,000 nukes. Thus an invasion of Russia would likely result in the end of the world, which no one wants.
>Isn't NATO jewish?
No. Contrary to vatnik propaganda, NATO is not jewish and acts in the best interests of the European people. It was created in 1949 to protect Europe from judeo-Bolshevism and the Asiatic horde. If not for NATO, (((Marxism))) may have ruled from Vladivostok to Lisbon.
>NATO is... le globohomo
This is not true either. Many NATO member states—including Hungary and Poland—are far more conservative, white and traditional than the barbaric eastern hordes. NATO does not force progressive ideas on to its constituent states: it is merely a military alliance. For comparison, Russia, the sworn enemy of NATO and the west, is a decadent shithole. It ranks highest in Europe for HIV, abortion and muslim population; it has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and is among the least religious countries in Europe.
https://www.nato.int/nato-welPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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but yeah, keep sending your children to school against their will
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Scottish dummy


Liberals are poster children for abortion. Why do you want abortion to be illegal?


same thing all anglos are the same doesnt matter


And yet commies cry "Nazi!" when people start reminiscing on days when this shit wasn't indoctrinating kids en masse. I mean if these people are going to call you a fascist for the crimes of not wanting to be a second class citizen in your own country reading old books having thoughts unapproved by corporate media or not wanting children to be molested, then can "fascism" probably be all that bad?



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New ‘toss


npc wojak is coal


Women are the Science and we can make the choice to take the vaccine mandatory you troonsphobic bigot

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>Will japanese nettuyo types get along with western /pol/chuds? Do they have their own base, like a japanese /pol/ and does mainstream media look at them the same way western chuds are looked at?


No one does this


I think you do this

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Will japanese nettuyo types get along with western /pol/chuds? Do they have their own base, like a japanese /pol/ and does mainstream media look at them the same way western chuds are looked at?

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would ((("she"))) like to convert, then?


(((naked (((pastor))))))

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