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/pol/ - Politics

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>I'm 13 percent Southern Italian


self pity bump


File: 1650587239319.mp4 (11.58 MB, 854x352, Sicilians.mp4)


What do I do now? Give up? 87 percent white will never be good enough by /pol/ standards


At least I have Northern Italian too


File: 1650597108065.jpg (289.76 KB, 800x789, lega padania northern ital….jpg)

>>I'm 13 percent Southern Italian
>What do I do now? Give up? 87 percent white will never be good enough by /pol/ standards
>At least I have Northern Italian too


Isn't southern Italy alot more agricultural and conservative than the north?


politically you mean? yeah, pretty much
these days most votes to leftist parties come from big cities in the center and north and at the last european elections Lega was the first party in a lot of southern regions
that's also the case socially ig, northerners like to LARP as their best approximation of american/northern european globohomoists.


Should I convert to Catholicism then


Your T levels are way to much low for you to be Southern Italian. You're a niggerloving cuckold from milANO.




He's a pansy faggot incel.


Clyde is a 35 years old neckbeard onions cuck literal embodiment of the Reddit gasping soyface.
Instead of doing productive shit, he masturbates to hentai porn and grooms children younger than him by two decades all day.
He's such a loser it's even hilarious.


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idk i dont care much about the christian confessions autism honestly
imo it's far more important to practice actively and to try to be a good Christian in everyday life than to pick the "right" confession
>Your T levels are way to much low for you to be Southern Italian
that's because i take my girlpills sweetheart
>You're a niggerloving cuckold from milANO.
how dare you
>grooming children is... LE BAD even though allowing them to explore their gender identity and transition at a young age while they have amazing passing potential is... LE GOOD


Please 41 percent... fucking die forever faggot... please... take the rope...

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