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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Lol here we go again bros. "Training simulation" held in Nov 2021 "predicted" the outbreak of this very specific disease with uncanny accuracy. So strange how that keeps happening
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this video is already me, chud.


That's a puppet


That's a tranny


That's a forbidden cross-breed of a "human" and a chimpanzee


she's beautiful and she passes, chud.

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it's so thin i could probably get through it in a day if i could stop being a nigger


I started reading it and got to the part where he's talking about the Mongolia storming heaven and I had to put it down


Then just do a few pages, kick start it


read the german ideology instead. not only does it completely deboonk stirner, but its preface alone is more cited than all stirner's works combined


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russia will start winning any day now, r-right?
they're a superpower, so surely they'll win a war against some irrelevant shithole with no difficulties

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the kiwis can't keep getting away with it


Half of Biden’s Twitter followers are bots.


can confirm i am one of the bots


Post code.


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>some forum mentions that you exist one time because it's a big news event

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What do white supremacists even like about the west?
They hate the Enlightenment, they hate "modernity" whatever that is, they don't even seem to like the majority of white people, what about "the west" let alone "white people" DO they think is worth spilling blood over? Yeah, as a lefty I’m not exactly thrilled about "da west" either but at least I have a few gems in my life in the west that I cherish.
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>The cope


I have heard from some commies that they dislike leftypol due to its reddit tier moderation, which makes sense given anything that isn't nigger worship or gender identity coal wouldn't be "woke enough". I remember a while ago some tankie image where a black and white guy who were fighting each other gang up on a leering capitalist to symbolize class struggle; commies believe that race was invented to justify economic inequality. Of course, you would rather be around a poor white guy than a hood rat that will mug you for all its worth. I don't hate communists necessarily, At least the real ones and not the tranny antifa ones. I just think they are deluded morons who should be putting energy into my movement instead of wasting time on an archaic Jewish pyramid scheme who even the jews have abandoned by now.


there's no such thing as labor-left in western countries


true, quality of life is so high they don't need them


hence why all leftists are troons and leftypol is a gay larp site

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Bruh, Argentina is literally fake. Their accent sounds like the Italian accent when they speak Spanish, and it's been scientifically proven that all citizens of Argentina have been paid by the Italian government to pretend the country of Argentina is real. They all had to study Spanish for about a 5 year period beforehand, and then they are sent to undisclosed locations in Italy and pretend that the country of Argentina is a real country and that it has real people. If you try to travel to Argentina, the US government will make it seem real at first, but as soon as your flight takes off, you will be sent to somewhere in the middle of the nowhere and never come back. Keep in mind, this has all been proven SCIENTIFICALLY! If you don't believe me, you can look it up online. If you go to the Government of Argentina's website and search for Italy, nothing will come up. You know why? Because they don't want you to know what they're really doing. Argentina is fake, and it's the truth.

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no chin however


L-libtardbros...?? ?


He's wholesome though

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Why did the Jews subvert savages with this two spirit shit? Native Americans are insignificant.


ive never even heard of the two spirit thing


Troon cope trying to imply troonism was normal in the past until ebil wypipo forcibly stopped it.

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Is dankass niggerweed legal in your country? Why or why not?


It's illegal to contraband with it but consuming it is absolutely legal.


it's legal in my state

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You’re not plowing snow, are you /pol/? https://youtube.com/shorts/9-gPxI1wZZU?feature=share


Is plowing snow a slang for snorting mephedrone or coke?


Did you watch the fucking video?


Asian women are the most robotic and fundamentalist shitlibs.

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