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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Are you going to Phoenix tomorrow? It will makes the kikes seethe.


no because i'm not american




Protests won't do shit


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Oh my god we know, nobody asked but you always say it anyway

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Are you going to Phoenix tomorrow? It will makes the kikes seethe.

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Hiro-san, prepare the "logs" for bacterial vivisection


more like germ lol


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>Tfw you realize the Unit 731 stuff and the holocaust loony-tunes execution devices were both written by the same people

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>Russia invading Poland next bad even tho it gives me a perfect excuse to run away from this shithole for good


cool just don't come here we only want Somalian brain surgeon immigrants

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>Russia invading Poland next bad even tho it gives me a perfect excuse to run away from this shithole for good

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Abortion should be legal, but only because killing anyone on your property should also be legal.


women's wombs are property of their fathers and husbands however




the proof is that without men to protect them women are getting knife-raped by somalians 24/7 like they want society to be like

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/pol/ BTFO
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


meds schizo


he has a point though


hes(not me(you(i(we(us(him)))))) right



he has a point though

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All fratricidal whores are to be hung from electric posts and be made to slowly fry


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Triggered, much? It's a joke. Get over it.


lol gemmy

File: 1652495325640.png (346.53 KB, 686x493, Bulgarian alien Soyjak.png)


New Bulgarian IAS just hit the scene.


worthless forgettable dust


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