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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1649552393366.mp4 (353.01 KB, 640x640, Spookismo🇻🇪🏴 - I CAN'T STO….mp4)


What did the "leader of the free world" mean by this? What are the political implications?


He meant Asifutumutufutmuu of course


who's the sheboon over there


File: 1649608083522.jpg (12.93 KB, 464x660, hewo.jpg)

biden site


commie pedo troon


this word was "nigger" ofc


you're right and you should say it


File: 1650670947098.mp4 (237.32 KB, 400x400, Johnny Depp's new gf 🦇 - h….mp4)

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