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The elites ruined my birth month. This month used to be full of excitement for my birthday. But in the last few years, its impossible to shake off the degeneracy pushed everywhere.


you're posting little tranime girls nigger
you're a fag


Degeneracy in india?


Ignore the globohomo. Every day of the year is gayniggerjew day to them, so you may as well assign no particular value to the month they choose to change the logos of corporations on twitter as a kind of progressive gay Lent


>This month used to be full of excitement for my birthday
no nobody ever cared about it nobody was ever excited for your birthday fucking DIE kike pedo retarded fucking tranime posting dalit faggot go die in a sewer cunt


>This month used to be full of excitement for my birthday
everyone has always cared about it everyone is excited for your birthday hecking live Christian teleiophile intelligent hecking cishet cartoon brahman heterosexual go live in a clean area dick


this proves that pakistan is clearly the more based
pajeet nation


india and pakistan should unite



I thought faggot pride was outlawed in Modi's India?


But they are genetically different.


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They have more CAVCASUS genes


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fun fact the june month was originally intended for god but these abominations ruined it with rainbows

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