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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1653425530114.png (985.2 KB, 925x922, ClipboardImage.png)


new 'ooting dropped


File: 1653425568750.png (52.46 KB, 775x849, 3303 - alternate closed_mo….png)

Which one of y'all teens did this?


File: 1653426168894.webm (772.16 KB, 720x480, its alex.webm)

Must be psyop season again already


american culture really thriving this summer


What's the demographics like in Paris nowadays


File: 1653426500578.png (117.76 KB, 390x336, 1526659067801.png)

>What's the demographics like in Paris nowadays


What's the demographics like in Sweden nowadays


File: 1653427588304.png (377.87 KB, 800x1804, Swedes_of_two_Swedish_pare….png)

Aw that's a shame


File: 1653427836369.jpg (36.53 KB, 394x350, 1526658472791.jpg)

>Chud United States 8 minutes ago >No.29973
>>>29970 (You)
>What's the demographics like in Sweden nowadays

>Chud United States 3 minutes ago >No.29974

>File (hide): 1653427588304.png (377.87 KB, 800x1804, >Swedes_of_two_Swedish_pare….png)

>Aw that's a shame


That's just another tuesday


File: 1653428064151.gif (3.15 MB, 370x377, 1639104043905.gif)

>That's just another tuesday


Blatant false flag


File: 1653428464928.mp4 (497.83 KB, 526x368, procesor ponownie grozi ma….mp4)


arthur fans win again


Stop coaling up soy, Polechud


File: 1653429554045.mp4 (2.44 MB, 652x396, dżak daniels.mp4)


File: 1653430071128-0.png (55.01 KB, 549x268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1653430071128-1.png (345.46 KB, 617x816, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1653430071128-2.png (311.01 KB, 456x543, ClipboardImage.png)


nigga got that stare


File: 1653430144121-0.png (488.18 KB, 587x755, Texas shooter Salvador Ram….png)

File: 1653430144121-1.png (1.89 MB, 1920x1080, Soyjak Wholesomejak calm.png)



Have you seen his dick? how can you assume its a troon chud


it's getting warm out, time to rev up the niggers and the left to destroy cities again


File: 1653434397250-0.jpeg (199.95 KB, 1170x699, Soyjak Troonjak shooter m….jpeg)

File: 1653434397250-1.png (345.46 KB, 617x816, Salvador Ramos Texas schoo….png)



it actually is a troon yikes oh no no no 41% sisters





File: 1653435093134.png (373.1 KB, 598x799, zoomer glowie.png)



Election year psyops and plague-ops starting again


File: 1653435781342.jpg (219.08 KB, 1170x699, Soyjak troon Troonjak shoo….jpg)



Irrelevant link, the real shooter is still a troon.


File: 1653436014949.jpg (87.34 KB, 769x1024, Salvador Ramos Texas schoo….jpg)




File: 1653436222884.gif (517.44 KB, 760x704, tranny spin fast.gif)



Looks nothing like him.


File: 1653436620034.png (608.59 KB, 1256x656, LMFAO.PNG)

look at that flag


You're brown and a tranny
When are you going to sperg out and commit mass murder?


not really, he is on a proxy all the time i guess hes a mutt or something similar


>i guess hes a mutt or something similar
So he's brown


Moroccoal troon coming out to defend the brown troon 'ooter I see.



File: 1653438278128.gif (312.96 KB, 512x512, 1600145364818.gif)

>Looks nothing like him.


File: 1653438607810.png (320.82 KB, 732x768, leftypol mad over troon pi….png)

Why is /leftypol/ so coal?


File: 1653438608250.gif (3.98 MB, 600x600, soy rage6.gif)

That's because she passes, BIGOT


Leftist cringe is self-evident


nice dubs


>posts coal
I don't know what you expected


It's a gem howevertheless.


File: 1653438896964.jpg (219.06 KB, 1170x699, Soyjak_troon_Troonjak_shoo….jpg)

>It was a tranny beaner.


mspaint bucket is coal


Do you have a peer-reviewed study to back that up however?


80% of their mod staff is troons.


File: 1653442281586.png (791.32 KB, 1165x699, Soyjak troon Troonjak Salv….png)



File: 1653448760693.png (221.73 KB, 375x558, Salvador Ramos Texas schoo….png)


File: 1653456645576-0.jpg (145.69 KB, 890x858, mass shootings by race cha….jpg)

File: 1653456645576-1.jpg (169.64 KB, 600x833, nonwhite mass shooters.jpg)

Majority of mass shooters are niggers and beaners however.



File: 1653497722018-0.gif (350.15 KB, 226x226, troonjak 153.gif)

File: 1653497722018-1.gif (811.32 KB, 370x377, troonjak 219 (dark hanged ….gif)

File: 1653497722018-2.gif (2.21 MB, 384x256, troonjak 233 chart.gif)


What color were the children? I need to know before feeling sorry for them.


all 100% prussian aryan american


He's not a troon. There was some reddit tranny /pol/ was framing as him who doesn't even live in Texas. The motive was that he was bullied for a speech impediment IIRC
>t-t-time to d-die amigo!


What happens in Scania?
Also whats the demographics like in the JewSA nowadays


File: 1654380351262.png (528.06 KB, 768x836, 90d8967ae76b92321f2ca723c5….png)


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