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Why are all chudbaby pisscels third worlders?


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some czech pissbaby who was defending hate speech


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corbyn lost 😂


ira lost


hahaha irish fag btfo




how? chad deo vindice right?


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you still got battered


yes but ireland still will never be free. britain chads won


Ireland IS already a free country you retarded Amerimutt.


ever heard of northern ireland retard?


Ireland is the least cucked country in the EU.
Your flag discards your opinion. Kys mutt


that happens everywhere now doe


i’m whiter than you are mediterranean shitter


in every big city*
You still worship niggers so that's irrelevant.
Muttmerica is more blacked than Zimbabwe.


i don’t worship niggers therefore not irrelevant. i’m white and you aren’t


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All Amerimutts are niggerlovers by default.


you got btfo in every non-ambush battle


>what was the Battle of St Matthew's


>ira bad even doe they killed irish schoolchildren


>Ireland is the least cucked country in the EU
Have you ever been there? It's one of the most cucked. Literally just today some muslim beheaded two fags there. Least cucked EU country is either Hungary, Poland or Croatia.


kys mexican


thats a return to traditional european values whites are too cucked to enforce however


Yeah but no matter how you spin it, it's not a good look. Non-cucked countries don't have sandniggers running around beheading people.


the last country that fired rockets at tel aviv had these sandniggers however, a lot actually


I feel like you are being obtuse on purpose. Of course middle eastern countries having sandniggers in them isn't cucked because that's where they come from. Conversely, European countries being overrun by hostile foreigners and having their people beheaded is cucked.


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This, unfortunately


I also recall around late 2020 the Gardai shot some wog. Libtards and redditors were up in arms even though it was entirely justified and obviously not due to muh racism.


fags are not european


It's going to get a lot worse. Only something like a fascism-inspired military coup can save this island. To a limited degree I admire the Ulster Protestants for their racial sense of identity and strong conservatism.


Sweetie chuds are mostly European CHADS


From a white perspective, it's probably best if there isn't a unification because all the lefty types in Ireland who want it are mentally ill niggerlovers (just look at sinn fein)


Britain doesn't even use the same currency as the rest of us eurochads lmfaooooooo


I want to see Sinn Fein form the next government just so everyone can see how retarded their ideology is


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I just want an AR-18 tbh


I prefer the G3 or FAL


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A already have those though


Are they pre-ban or are they Century coal?


post them so feds come here


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They are coal



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No, as you can see feds that Chud said
>A already have those though
which is not the same as "I have them," which he obviously does not


Why don't you own guns? That is the only good thing about America


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Because I'm a peaceful person who has never done anything illegal nor will I ever plan to, I pay my taxes too


thats precisely the upstanding citizen that should own guns to protect himself from ferals and niggas however


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kys gringo


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>Why are all chudbaby pisscels third worlders?

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