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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1649963479882.gif (405.34 KB, 248x248, hanging poltard 6.gif)


only losers and rejects agree with your ideas


This, fuck nazis


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it's just not funny and I want all my /pol/ niggas still stuck in 2016 to know that. This humor is dated and boring. Like, wow, you called me a nigger tranny and told me to suicide my axe wound in a gas chamber, so original dawg. Did you rub your 2 iq points together to come up with that?
Fruitjaks though, now that's where the sharty's real culture is, not these stormnigger/niggermania 2008 memes


of course you chudcel pissbabies are third worlders


File: 1650415133311.gif (238.62 KB, 500x364, 9837249idisuya15.gif)


>only losers and rejects agree with your ideas

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