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Why are americans so cringe?


My friend got invited to Poland just to have anal with some Polish broad. She even paid for the airline and everything.


He said you guys have really good bread but the place was really depressing


And? Sex tourism is much more common than people think.


I know retards who drive to germany/holand every month just to blew money on whores couse its legal there.


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t. butthurt eurofag


Life in Europe is significantly superior than America.


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>t. butthurt eurofag


Depends on the area. Of course, living within close proximity with unemployed somalis will be significantly worse than if you were to, say, live in a nice white city out in west virginia. Utah is nice too: ever seen those mountains?


I would rather live in kashmir than AIDSfornia.


Me too. Thankfully there's 49 other states to choose from.


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>that pic


should have just nuked the fr*nch sadly they didn't have this technology back then


The only US states that I wouldn't nuke to oblivion are Texas and probably Arizona.


you dont have any nukes so you wouldnt nuke any states in reality


They would accept you in Texas provided you aren't a raving homosexual


Wasn't there a thing where French people really liked America First for some reason?


>French "people"


Which is why I wouldn't nuke it.


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nope, and you ?


Well obviously, the US is significantly larger and has more resources, you're allowed to keep most of your income too. There aren't as many taxes and regulations so you have a much higher chance of making yourself rich provided you have the set skills. I know people who came from backwater Vietnam and own huge houses in nice neighborhoods because they immediately went for a high paying job.


Richness leads to degeneracy and AIDS.


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richness is the result of hard work and excellence, you are just jealous, and stop talking nonsense nigga



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i got a question for you eur𝗮𝗽𝗲peon, why are you americas bitch

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