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/pol/ - Politics

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652364832676-0.png (244.04 KB, 988x1112, trans.png)

File: 1652364832676-1.png (100.37 KB, 942x646, trans2.png)

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general things about trans people


File: 1652365810135.png (776.59 KB, 921x1014, IMG_20220512_102812.png)

>Don't leave me hanging man


File: 1652383500092.png (130.99 KB, 398x521, ClipboardImage.png)

Anti-tranny bros... this is our power...? This is who we are? No... not like this...


it takes 2 seconds for me to make a throwaway account and tell your pet trannies that they are men, what is your point?


You can now have a real account and hate trannies on twitter though


dawg is gender netural doe

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