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/pol/ - Politics

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japan was never based, china however is and always will be


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I like both


japan used to rape china though stupid chink cuck


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>japan used to rape china though stupid chink cuck


she's right doe
albeit China had more sovl back then


every country used to rape Poland


every country still rapes poland


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>every country used to rape Poland though


and chicken broth


Indonesians look like that albeit


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>japan was never based, china however is and always will be


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Xi is based though


Anyone who supports Marxist ideology is a moron 🙄. Marx was a loser who lived off of someone else's money. Socialism to a T. It also cost roughly a hundred million lives in the 19th century alone. Copy democrats?


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>Anyone who supports Marxist ideology is a moron 🙄. Marx was a loser who lived off of someone else's money. Socialism to a T. It also cost roughly a hundred million lives in the 19th century alone. Copy democrats?

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