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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1653570129404.gif (896.92 KB, 500x500, 1652651072248.gif)


>national socialism
>social democracy


File: 1653573968816.png (35.24 KB, 255x207, pink floyd penis.png)



File: 1653588608896.gif (321.66 KB, 861x1243, Soyjak communist muh CIA.gif)



File: 1653596511175.png (161.53 KB, 644x828, 6384_-_bloodshot_eyes_blue….png)

>political ideologies le good


File: 1653597504569.gif (88.22 KB, 230x253, dancing jew swede soy.gif)

>Democratic socialism


File: 1653598841131.png (72.57 KB, 1932x1756, 1630425792281.png)



National Socialism is the only sensible choice. The rest is pozzed goy ideology

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