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File: 1653502926138.jpeg (63.9 KB, 700x394, 6510A9C5-5B44-49EE-ADF9-F….jpeg)


I voted for Biden because of Donald’s obsession with kikes.
>moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
>recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
>pulling out of the iran nuclear deal because of AIPAC
>allowing Israel to annex Golan Heights, building settlements there and renaming it to "Trump heights"
>signing into law the Never Again Education Act, expanding Holocaust education in America
>getting the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan to recognize Israel as a nation state, normalizing relations between them
>gave trillions in tax cuts to corporations that are run by jews
>killing anti-zionist Qasem Soleimani, which almost started another 20 year/2 trillion dollar war with Iran
>banning the boycott of Israel on college campuses
>banning corporations from boycotting Israel in 26 different states
>signing into law 20 different israel defence bills which gave billions to Israel
>filled his cabinet up with corrupt politicians and oil businessman
>didn't drain the swamp
>did the same old tax cuts for the rich
>vetoed a bipartisan passed bill to end US involvement in Yemen
>500 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia
and, of course:
>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act


you heard the saying "keep your friends close but your enemies closer"?


i vote for trump because i want war with iran which would mean more /dead americunts/


how you vote based Trump from Deutschland?


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Did you get it hon the mail yet?


did they just assume israel's gender? yikes

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