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/pol/ - Politics

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 No.22010[Last 50 Posts]


don't care shill


Peinovich however.


don't care shill



does anyone actually listen to these?


No just him


Do you have a peer-reviewed study to back that up though?


chud we are an anti-racist board, nobodys gonna listen to it, be honest.


stop being so insecure the same guy posts TDS links one here all the time no need to larp as a leftist just because someone online hurt your feelings


Nah, there's just 2 or 3 jews/trannies/commies here that pull their hair out and seethe loudly whenever they see something promoting white ethnocentrism, you're not the majority. Also you're racist and demeaning towards whites constantly. I can tell that mentioning The Right Stuff or National Justice Party really gets under your skin, you weaselly kike.


The only reason to be mad at TDS is if you're a jew or a tranny. Even Arabs can get behind their intense anti-semitism and opposition to US/Israeli imperialism.


i am neither a jew, commie nor tranny though
i only hate racist whites


calm, I'm not jewish, communist or a troon
That guy was baiting btw lol and
>National Justice Party
literal honeypot organization
I don't want to get into a flamewar with you right now, so just watch your bitchute videos and move on


I highly doubt that. If not, then you're either some kind of shitskin, or possibly just an ignorant NPC tool. It's hard to believe a white male could get this far into 4chan meta culture on a /pol/ clone board and not be ethnocentric. Really I think you're just a Jew though, judging by the recent spergout about the Holocaust.


I've seen a lot of serious anons that are TRS-NJP skeptical, but it doesn't seem to add up to me. Mike literally challenges top Holocaust historians to debates; that doesn't seem like something a controlled opposition group would do.


4chan /pol/ made my realize that whites love being zionists, i unironically became anti-white because of them


>that doesn't seem like something a controlled opposition group would do.
That's exactly what a fed would want you to think lol
They're trying to make people comfortable and having a debate(public spectacle) would draw out the people they want to monitor


How long were you browsing 4chan /pol/? They've been posting anti-Israeli stuff since the Obama years. Also there's an ongoing National Socialism general thread. I'll admit that some neocon Qboomers have invaded the board since 2016, but they're not as big a presence as a lot of anons like to claim.

Are you that sandnigger living in Europe who posts about "pinkskins shilling for Zionism" on here a lot, or just a disingenuous white Infrared tankie trying to divert support away from NatSocs? Hard to tell since Soot removed the flags for whatever reason.


Okay's it's obvious you're just trying to derail the thread now. Glowies don't want people having debates that question the established Western canon, and especially things that hurt Jewish/Zionist interests. If TRS/NJP were a controlled op, they wouldn't be going into autistic damning detail about debunking Auschwitz, etc; they would be doing what Qboomer grifters are doing and talking about aliens and 5G and seekret underground tunnels 'n shit - basically promoting red herrings that don't actually critique the existing power structure.


>How long were you browsing 4chan /pol/? They've been posting anti-Israeli stuff since the Obama years
Doesn't matter, they think zionism is some left wing progressive degenerate thing, when in reality zionists love europe and their nationalists as long as they send some more jews to israel and donate their technology, /pol/ gladly votes for nationalist parties even if they are staunch zionists just because they hate sand people
>Are you that sandnigger living in Europe who posts about "pinkskins shilling for Zionism" on here a lot
I'm european, yes- the others, no


>Doesn't matter, they think zionism is some left wing progressive degenerate thing,
Source? I've never seen that, lol. I certainly don't think that myself. I've always understood it to be a "right-wing" position, even when I was a bluepilled neocon.

>when in reality zionists love europe and their nationalists as long as they send some more jews to israel and donate their technology, /pol/ gladly votes for nationalist parties even if they are staunch zionists just because they hate sand people

The TRS podcast guys regularly criticize Poland and Hungary for being pro-Zionism; they're aware of it. Also it's not like Der Linke or Green Party are ever gonna stop simping for Holocaust museums.

I think the issue is that most major Western political parties are part of a fixed "kosher" dialectic. The left may have some anti-Zionist sentiment, but they also demand laws and practices that disenfranchise white people (affirmative action, mass-immigration, etc.) The right offers some mild nationalism, but never a final solution; and they tend to always be pro-Zionist. That's why explicit NatSoc parties like NJP are the answer, though I realize it's problematic in your country due to your cucked laws.


Zionism good because colonialism, bad because Jews
Simple really


Nooooo soot take the flags away


Literally nobody on /pol/ says that. I've noticed that leftoids are really out of touch with what NatSocs actually think, you assume we're just neocons who make edgy jokes or something.

Zionism isn't even good for whites from a "colonial" perspective because the negatives outweigh any real positive. Israel is the only country that benefits.


Oh yeah just to clear things up and you got the wrong guy I was the "Holocaust spergout" chud and that guy is just trolling for (you)s
I'm >>22134



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he day has finally come where the KARA BOGA legion has broken into the gayREEK capital of Ath*ns. The pathetic gayREEKs messed with the bvll and were whiteoidly shocked when they got the horns. We sing songs such as "Kill the wh*Toid" as we go around the pathetic gayREEK city slaughtering gayREEK men and capturing wh*Te women for breeding. As we arrive at the doorstep of the gayREEK parliament building we level a nearby building to the ground, and inside of it, see gayREEKs for the faggotland leader, Ilias Kasidiaris, huddling with his homosexual brethren. As his lovers attempt to flee we gun them down with our G3s, a symbol of KARA BOGA strength and masculinity. The cowardly Kasidiaris attempts to offer his asshole to the platoon of alpha BLACK KARA BOGA soldiers, but in our minds it is only more proof the gayREEK """"""""""""men"""""""""""" are the most pathetic creatures in the world. We shot him there on the spot and raze the rest of the city to the ground. Over the next few months the gayREEK population is decreased to 0, and all of the former gayREEK lands are integrated into the KARA BOGA Erdogan Empire, and the dreams of Mustafa JAMAL Ataturk have been fulfilled.

Fuck, I love being non-wh*Te


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>he day has finally come where the KARA BOGA legion has broken into the gayREEK capital of Ath*ns. The pathetic gayREEKs messed with the bvll and were whiteoidly shocked when they got the horns. We sing songs such as "Kill the wh*Toid" as we go around the pathetic gayREEK city slaughtering gayREEK men and capturing wh*Te women for breeding. As we arrive at the doorstep of the gayREEK parliament building we level a nearby building to the ground, and inside of it, see gayREEKs for the faggotland leader, Ilias Kasidiaris, huddling with his homosexual brethren. As his lovers attempt to flee we gun them down with our G3s, a symbol of KARA BOGA strength and masculinity. The cowardly Kasidiaris attempts to offer his asshole to the platoon of alpha BLACK KARA BOGA soldiers, but in our minds it is only more proof the gayREEK """"""""""""men"""""""""""" are the most pathetic creatures in the world. We shot him there on the spot and raze the rest of the city to the ground. Over the next few months the gayREEK population is decreased to 0, and all of the former gayREEK lands are integrated into the KARA BOGA Erdogan Empire, and the dreams of Mustafa JAMAL Ataturk have been fulfilled.

>Fuck, I love being non-wh*Te


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based kara boga saint warrior he killed the chirstkike wh*toids like the dogs they are, why njp so useless that only thing they do is seethe? is this the power of the wh*Te race? qeq


They're so pathetic they have shills posting gore and instagram memes on our site. I didn't know it was possible to go that low.




tds burgerposter


mothing wrong with gore


snuff films are illegal to possess and distribute in our country


Not in US

Illegal in Norway and Denmark


Yes in US



it is illegal to own a video, that was filmed with the intention of entertainment, of someone being murdered. However, you can just say "I didn't know it was real" and they will drool the lawsuit.


Cite the statute.



That's the general obscenity statute, they don't talk about snuff or gore in the link, and it only covers distribution not mere possession.


>snuff isn't obscene
I don't make the laws I just read them
>Although the law does not criminalize the private possession of obscene matter, the act of receiving such matter could violate the statutes prohibiting the use of the U.S. Mails, common carriers, or interactive computer services for the purpose of transportation (See 18 U.S.C. § 1460; 18 U.S.C. § 1461; 18 U.S.C. § 1462; 18 U.S.C. § 1463).


wtf this VPN leads to germoney, cool


>Snuff is obscene even coal that's never been held.


what's your point?


It's not illegal and no one is ever or will ever be prosecuted under the current US laws for possessing a murder video of any kind.


de jure it is
de facto it isn't





unironically kys


No, you kys, commiepedotroon. If you can shill Infrared and Chapo, then I can shill TRS. Cope and die.


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Keep crying and projecting


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>Keep crying and projecting


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New TDS just dropped talking about the Whoopi Goldberg Holocaust remarks and Nigger Fake History Month.




>nigger fake history month


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Documentary about the nigger terrorist attack in Waukesha, Wisconsin just dropped.



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Racism isn't cool chuds, it makes you sort of a gentile jew


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Call me when leftoids do anything to protest nigger terrorist attacks, or even call them out. You're the ones encouraging and shilling for nigger ethnocentrism most often.


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So freeing black people from white oppression is now inherently ethnocentric? thats like when jews claim being anti-jew is racist don't you think


I feel like you can really disprove every holocaust denial theory just by stating that the majority of jews died from typhus and starvation and not gas chambers


I'm reading through that article and it feels a bit like BLM but for white people


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Nigger oppression isn't real but it should be.

Vid related, niggers toppling a statue of French minister who freed their ancestors. These savage beasts are incapable of gratitude.


>Nigger oppression isn't real but it should be.
It really doesn't sound all too convincing when you say words like that which, in turn contradict that whites can be anti-black. Just saying.
Also to be clear are you the american using a tor node or someone else?


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>toppling french statue
Based, as long as you don't act violently against oppresive systems you are helping them
>whites didn't invent slavery
May be true, they actually inherited it from talmudic jews, and they should be punished for it just like jews


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>le white oppression

Systematic oppression of nonwhites literally doesn't exist at the Governmental, university, or corporate level in the United States. In fact, being a nigger makes you more likely to get hired than a white person. BLM is just de facto nigger ethnocentrism at this point, and you must either be a brainwashed retard, or a nonwhite being disingenuous if you shill for it. Inventing new "micro-aggression" terms so you can feel oppressed doesn't put you on the same level as the whites who are murdered by nigger criminals.


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>Systematic oppression of nonwhites literally doesn't exist at the Governmental, university, or corporate level in the United States. In fact, being a nigger makes you more likely to get hired than a white person
And? this is not helping blacks, its jews and their allies rigging the system to make everyone lose
They always promote their idea of bein pro-blackg but youll notice they never actually help black people, never do they give them realistic chances or promote what is good for blacks (not rap suburban culture etc), youll also notice that it's a reverse bluff because when they talk about white slavery these jews will never ever talk about the jewish role in black slavery, and about how jews supported european colonial expeditions.
>BLM is just de facto nigger ethnocentrism at this point
Blm has never been ethnocentrist, what you are looking for is Nation of Islam and black hebrew israelites, they are ethnocentric, and are basically black jews. If you oppose racism you have to oppose them, white-supremacists and jews alike.
>Inventing new "micro-aggression" terms so you can feel oppressed doesn't put you on the same level as the whites who are murdered by nigger criminals.
People murder other people, whats new- whites have done so too actually


>BLM is just de facto nigger ethnocentrism at this point,
Don't mean to be so blunt but don't you want ethnocentrism too?


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Your arguments are baseless platitudes. Just because BLM isn't as blatant about its ethnocentrism like Nation of Islam, that doesn't mean it isn't ethnocentric. The energy around it and the average BLM-supporting nigger is ethnocentric. They also demand positive rights (gibs) for niggers, i.e.: (you MUST hire X amount of niggers at X industry, you MUST have X amount of niggers in media representation or else your piece of media is raycis, etc. and they will use their social and monetary power to smear you). I admit there's also a lot of deluded cucks like you that shill for it though. What race are you, BTW? Are you p#blm with the amount of paragraphs you dedicate to worshipping niggers?

Yes, but it doesn't change the fact that the left's claims about niggers being "oppressed" are baseless or hyper-exaggerated. I'm trying to get whites to be more egoistic instead of simping for other races that don't deserve more white labor and wealth and tend to actually bite the hand that feeds them.


Okay, so why are you complaining when other people want the same thing


Niggers don't want anything. They are impulsive animals.


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I'd rather have more material wealth and political power be funneled into my tribal group instead. Also BLM isn't really helping to undermine neoliberalism or leftism and seek racial balkanization, they're more or less seeking a sort of symbiotic relationship with the current power structure where Whitey has to give them gibs for eternity (similar to the set-up Jews have currently).


>Also BLM isn't really helping to undermine neoliberalism or leftism and seek racial balkanization, they're more or less seeking a sort of symbiotic relationship with the current power structure where Whitey has to give them gibs for eternity (similar to the set-up Jews have currently).
Black American movements should be lead by black Americans is the problem.
When you make people your "ally" and you have whites marching with you it ruins the whole point of wanting ethnocentrism. Not only that but it perpetuates the idea that blacks can't do anything for themselves and whites always have to do it for them.
It's a weird combination of many blacks coming in the middle class and becoming politically awakened, and seeking revenge. See, the thing about revenge is that you'll only want more and more of it. They are going to have to forgive whites or this cycle of violence will not stop. The message should, ideally be
>I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
But now it's become
>What's the problem with being “not racist”? It is a claim that signifies neutrality: “I am not a racist, but neither am I aggressively against racism.” But there is no neutrality in the racism struggle. The opposite of “racist” isn't “not racist.” It is “antiracist.” What's the difference? One endorses either the idea of a racial hierarchy as a racist, or racial equality as an antiracist. One either believes problems are rooted in groups of people, as a racist, or locates the roots of problems in power and policies, as an antiracist. One either allows racial inequities to persevere, as a racist, or confronts racial inequities, as an antiracist.
I'm not for ethnocentrism on either side. It's not going to work. It's not how it's supposed to be.


Okay you're just gonna get taken advantage of by jews and niggers for the rest of you life then.





New TDS just dropped



>Baked Alaska, Beardson, and Nick Fuentes are real white nationalists

Kek, total ignorance. Keep falling for neoliberal propaganda, leftytard.


New TDS just dropped talking about Russia's based actions in Ukraine:


New TDS just dropped. They're talking about the Russia-Ukraine war.



shit, might actually give a listen


They talk about the Jew involved in 9/11 for like the first 3 minutes, but then it goes into Ukraine-Russia talk for a long time. They talk about how (((Zelensky))) is using civilian militia as bait so he can blame Russia for war crimes.


first time listening to tds and surprisingly it had some funny moments except the discussion of some random videos at the end


tds sounds like a disease



File: 1646338769368.jpg (76.48 KB, 508x608, 1602795447166.jpg)

>One more step
>Please complete the security check to access therightstuff.biz


New TDS just dropped. They start-off talking about soy shit, but then they talk about the Russia-Ukraine War for a long time.




Their Ukrainian war analysis is retarded.
>Libtards on twitter support Ukraine therefore I hate Ukraine
Literally grog tier MIGAtard mentality.


New TDS talking about Redditors getting bombed by Russian cruise missiles and Israel refusing to sanction Russian Jewish oligarchs:




words words words



File: 1647490514871.mp3 (110.6 MB, uhse9w.mp3)

>Newfag doesn’t know you can upload mp3s directly to the sharty
Many such cases


File: 1647898153942.mp3 (116.81 MB, ohmyoj.mp3)


no one listens to these


yeah we're all much too busy listening to America First with Nicholas J. Fuentes


i listen to these sometime


>kuz is a chud


File: 1648070672895.mp3 (112.49 MB, 2pbu5a.mp3)


They mentioned Soyjak in the first 2 minutes.


This is the only reason I ever visit this site anymore, to download pirated TDS podcasts.


The paywalled ones aren't being posted here THOUGH


Are these retards still promoting muh based Russia? Jesus wept.


Russia being more based than ever recently they probably are


Russia is not based nor has it ever been.




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Sorry chuddy, but you have fallen for the Kremlin's lies. Russia is just as much of a jewish vassal state as the west. And I can't think of anything less based than jewtin sending hordes of Asiatic subhumans, churkas, and chechens to kill white people.


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when asiatic shurkas are more white than nordic whites


Both sides are "jewish," but neither side are the jews of the bible. Not by a long shot. Just a bunch of satanic freaks who mass-converted around 700AD and now they are kiking over the ownership of their true homeland. Of course they'll both conspire to kill as many white amalek as possible. This ain't rocket science, just don't side with either of the megayid powers. Of course there's no path forward there.


Not my problem + the whites you are talking about are normalfags who either fight for lgbt tranny rights or zionist sponsored nationalism


But why does that matter? Regardless of whether they are Israelites or Khazars, their goals remain the same and they have significant influence in Russia—a country which TRS and the like shill for constantly despite supposedly being anti semitic.
>or zionist sponsored nationalism
And Russians aren't? Lol.


I agree, I think they're going for multipolarity or something but it's all FNG




>The Random op-ed cope


same lol
I had heard people talking about them before but only started listening 2 days ago, I saw this thread and got curious.


Lol. What are you on about? The only ones coping are those who think that Russia is le based saviour of the white race while RT is disavowing racism.


>The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.


You have XY chromosomes in all of the trillions of cells in your entire body, you will never be female by any possible means.


Not an argument.




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>says cope
>complains about non-arguments
auto-BTFO, go back to /britfeel/ ya dumb paki


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Kill yourself retard.


Zelensky is literally a jew backed by (((NATO))) and the (((Western media))) lmao, maybe both are jewed but I root for Russia in the end.


Both sides are jewed. You don't have to support either regime.


Of course. But that doesn't mean I don't want the West to get fucked over. I just need America to collapse as soon as possible so we can start this failed experiment over again.
Ukraine should have just surrendered first thing, now it's slav v. slav which means either way white people will die in hordes.


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why would jews want to ferment war anyways, isn't the best result for jews the current status quo where all of the west is subservient to israel and nicely continues exporting technology and weapons to israel, in addition to them running their banks and governments


Ideally Russia would have not invaded, but I agree: now that they have done so, we can only hope for a quick resolution. I imagine that, assuming Putin takes the capital, he will make Ukraine recognise the Donbas as separate, Crimea as Russian; and force Ukraine to agree to never join NATO or the EU, which wouldn't be a bad outcome as it would weaken American/ZOG hegemony. That said, there are retards lauding Putin as pro-White or anti-jew, neither of which are accurate.


Forcing Ukraine to never join the EU or NATO is enough of a victory for me. One less tendril of ZOG to worry about.


There will come a time when they decide that nato isn't worth the investment anymore, what is stopping israel from just switching to the chinese, russian, anti-nato side? look up how israel reacted to the nato bombing of serbia, they hated it and condemned it, getting rid of nato doesn't do anything to hurt israel since they will just find someone else to parasitize


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New TDS just dropped. "District Nig"


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The Daily Shoah, get it? It's like The Daily Show but instead it's shoah the hebrew term for holocaust because they are genocidal antisemites.


I'm going to listen to it after I'm done with the four I have downloaded on my phone.


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>genocidal antisemites


who would want to listen to a kike pretend to be a cracker?


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good 'cast, the beginning part was really funny





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Burgers get the rope


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of course i would



Soot fix remote mp3 links, you lazy nigger.

Wednesday's TDS: https://therightstuff.biz/2022/04/06/tds877/
mp3 link: https://files.catbox.moe/zt1fla.mp3


you can upload it here directly or soyjak.download however


File: 1649450848468.mp3 (96.43 MB, 3j9ave.mp3)


What's wrong with the remote mp3 links


File: 1649714784243.mp3 (121.4 MB, dok6vm.mp3)


new TDS just dropped: https://therightstuff.biz/2022/04/11/tds879/

Post won't upload when I try to do it sometimes.



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>and then in america by using sanctions they have a reason to take over american capitalism so we have two socialist systems in russia and america





new TDS just dropped: "The Trans-Shithole Express"


mp3 link: https://stream.therightstuff.biz/trs882.mp3


whats a trans shithole? like the things troons have where shit comes out of





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Czech, Ruskie, Anglo, Nord, whatever white genes have ye, we chuds unite


Where can I find the Mike P holocaust debate? I can't find it anywhere




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'uentes on bbc


Big Black Cock Flavoured Gemmy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️





It was a document about "scary" things in murica. Most of it was xoomer reporter (Louis Theroux) talking with Fuentes' friends. I took the photo in the best moment of the documentary when Nick looked majestic, pretty much like Hitler.
The funniest thing about this documentary was when one of Nick's friends was in some city and he was streaming. They wanted to hide their true face (they even denounced being nationalist), but one edgy donator put "fagits and naggers" in the donation message.
Basically mix of /pol/speak and the reporter being serious towards them was the biggest kino although I don't watch political streams.



I always think about how an insider view into dissident politics is so different from the outside view. It's hard to think about before I became nationalist, or never really knowing what nationalism is. For the average Zionist cuckhold/globalist they have no idea what the internal structure and culture of white nationalism is, they're stuck with the 1960's/70's idea of underground skinhead groups committing terror attacks and using le ebil nazi symbols in public. The idea of a mainstream party that doesn't use SIEGE style tactics so new and beyond them they try to label them as "extremists" or "terrorists": when it's plainly obvious many are streamer trolls, grifters, or (rarely) politically motivated people. They don't understand imageboard culture, so they assume 4chan has something to do with it somehow. It amazes me that they can get away with calling Nick Fuentes a credible threat to their establishment with how little the movement takes him seriously. Hop on any imageboard and say you like Nick Fuentes and the teasing and mocking about him being a Mexican homosexual will begin immediately.

In truth, America First will go nowhere. It proved that you can have a mainstream movement, that dissident political views can be viable in the future but poor handling, an unprofessional leader and bad optics morons (Beardson) have sunk this ship long ago.


HH brother


Why do Euro documentaries on the far right always point to America? Slav countries have wayyy more skinheads than we do.


Idk, but:
>Why do Euro documentaries on the far right always point to America?
I don't really know much about documentaries from Western Europe. They are probably obsessed with far right because they are anti-nationalist (globalist) leftists.
>Slav countries have wayyy more skinheads than we do.
I don't really remember seeing a skinhead or punk in former 10 years. In my 'ool there were only metal enjoyers, but they were probably much normie. Only my friend from college showed me songs from a neonazi band (Honor) and he said he had mohawk once in his lifetime. In 90s and 2000s there was more of this: skinheads, punkrockers, hooligans of different clubs fighting in the forests and painting anti-Jewish grafitti on old buildings, metals, "dresiarze" (Polish type of gopniks/chavs).


My European cousins tell me about how they had nazi friends in school. I don't think I could get away with being openly right wing in my country, especially in an area where people put up Bidens signs lol. My old school had a conference with the students about "stereotyping others" and were especially pissed that some kids carved tiny swastikas in the bathrooms

On another note, there's a group called Patriot Front which you may have heard of setting up banners in my state which I had actually seen myself driving with my family to church. My theory is that the FBI is trying to do a countrywide operation to get data on how white nationalists recruit, which states they are active in, how they became politically aware etc. Reading through leaked message chats they ask where they found out about Patriot Front (which would give feds clues on which places to monitor) media that inspired them (which would give them clues on which books to censor) and who they are (which would give them demographics to watch for). Very scary time to be in America right now.


you're a pussy with a persecution complex, no different from your average jew


Huh, you don't know anything about me and you post from TOR. Come to my country and wave around a swastika so you can have your life ruined.


I literally have a swastika on my car and nothing happens. In fact when I get pulled over the police compliment me on exercising my right to free speech.
And you're right, I do use tor because I'm not a moron.


File: 1650499271279.png (270.39 KB, 694x633, ClipboardImage.png)



>I literally have a swastika on my car and nothing happens. In fact when I get pulled over the police compliment me on exercising my right to free speech.
Based asf, I wish I could be you but sadly I have a family that doesn't know anything about my political views and would be distressed if shown half the things I say online. I don't know anyone irl who shares them either, so /pol/ will have to do for now. Don't want some jew calling up my parents employers and having them fired, do we?
>And you're right, I do use tor because I'm not a moron.
And you're using a circuit with anglosphere fed nodes obviously



>is so paranoid that people are going to cancel him he becomes impotent and useless
>is so paranoid that he uses his naked IP address instead of doing the bare minimum to obscure tracking because an told him so
is there a gulliblejak?


>an anon on /pol/ told him so*


>>is so paranoid that people are going to cancel him he becomes impotent and useless
I'm waiting to meet someone that agrees with me. Soyteens, remember? I don't have the full functionality and autonomy an adult has, and teenage neo nazis are a rare minority in this society.
>>is so paranoid that he uses his naked IP address instead of doing the bare minimum to obscure tracking because an told him so
I use depozzed Palemoon + Noscript and only have to bareback since soot blocked my vpn, better to give feds two steps to find you than one.


He wasn't from my school, but from college. He was in the dormitory and it was really a low-supervision building. You'd rather get expelled for shitting in elevator than saying edgy things or playing edgy songs. Although if you beat somebody, you'd probably get consequences.

In my primary school we had names of cities and we had to tell how person in each city is named. My friend told that person living in Łódź was Jew and he was bashed for this for half hour and our main teacher said he was an anti-Semite (she repeated it 4 times).

On the other side my both history teachers in were right-winged (but in Polish way, they were probably more Catholic and weak Nationalist than free-market). In highschool a teacher asked something and my friends responded with Latin Salute and she only gave short remarks. It really depends if the teacher is obsessed with fighting with nazism and rarely anyone was doing this when I was in school. I don't how it's now. Probably more woke teachers are in the big cities and schools in small cities and villages are intact of it, but cannot confirm it. I don't remember these things when talking with my aunts/uncles who have kids in schools.

I don't know about this patriot front. :/ I read once that our biggest Jew-sceptic party "National Movement" is operated by our glowies to find potential chuds and guide them, but I cannot confirm this theory. xp


>On the other side my both history teachers in were right-winged (but in Polish way, they were probably more Catholic and weak Nationalist than free-market)
I've met a lot of people like this. People who aren't really extreme or controversial, just civic nationalist and conservative. Albeit Protestantism and non-denominational Christianity is more the norm here than any specific sect, and American patriotism is more ingrained in our soyciety than I would assume most countries (in school they force you to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag every morning).

>I read once that our biggest Jew-sceptic party "National Movement" is operated by our glowies to find potential chuds and guide them, but I cannot confirm this theory. xp

I wouldn't be surprised if other countries are doing the same thing, it must be even more popular in Europe due to mass migration and having a preexisting homeland and national/ethnic identity. America was originally intended for white people (and Christians) but civic nationalist conservatives say they're color blind and all lives matter.


>I wouldn't be surprised if other countries are doing the same thing, it must be even more popular in Europe due to mass migration and having a preexisting homeland and national/ethnic identity
To be honest we are still dealing with old communist and communist-friendly elite and only from 2015 they are starting to lose power for good. They're strongest in university staff and then in courts and big city councils. Not something very repressive, but you can get sued for antisemitism if you're very unlucky or you are somewhat influential politician/businessman. ._. Anyway not all judges are retarded. They overturned cases when people didn't want to wear a mask when corona was a thing.



>Mike "I love fags" Enoch



the tds shill is a verifiable jew for shilling a jew


Seems like the kikes are coming in full force



Enoch is a race traitor for fucking a kike



yall are kinda racist bruh



>deleted my tds thread
no one did that


File: 1651949551891.gif (821.72 KB, 498x298, Enoch Drebber damage.gif)

Enoch Drebber!




niggerkike jannies locked my other thread

new TDS just dropped: https://therightstuff.biz/2022/05/11/tds892/

mp3 link: https://media.therightstuff.biz/static/media/audio/TDS/TRS892.mp3


whats wrong with this thread


Where are the new ones, I want to know what they say about the 4cuck zoomer shooter.


this one? >>28687


File: 1652910262764.png (5.36 KB, 443x523, 2076 - ear glasses half_op….png)

TDS895: Oreoboros
>>The mythical creature of Oreoborus. The snake that eats its own creamy filling.


no kike shit nigger therefore you look like this


I was gonna post this.





File: 1653910416721.png (103.14 KB, 440x522, goyim know.png)

Website is down.


Works fine for me


There's no TDS today likely because it's Memorial Day (burger holiday).





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