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File: 1654741012460-0.jpg (91.25 KB, 1024x748, Biden-gas-hikes.jpg)

File: 1654741012460-1.jpg (18.11 KB, 318x450, Biden did that.jpg)


Yes, Biden did that, sweetie! Enjoy the economy grinding to a halt because truckers can't make deliveries and people can't drive to stores.


File: 1654789401375.gif (381.22 KB, 300x460, ezgif-3-e407846dbe copy.gif)

biden does not control fuel prices


tsmt, the jews he works for are the ones that do that.


reminder that richard spencer voted for biden




This nigger can't read graphs.


>hurr durr OPEC, hurr durr oil companies
>ignores that the Demoshits have intentionally tried to hamper domestic oil production for decades in order to get votes from hippies in Oregon

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