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/pol/ - Politics

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The goal of this thread is to discover the best form of government (or systems of government).
I propose a monarchy to be the best.


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How about Maonarchy?
>"The duty of the pilot, for instance, is to preserve his ship amidst the perils of the sea, and to bring it unharmed to the port of safety. Now the welfare and safety of a multitude formed in a society lies in the preservation of its unity, which is called peace… thus, the more efficacious a government is in keeping the unity of peace, the more useful it will be. For we call that more useful which leads more directly to the end. Now it is manifest that what is itself one can more efficaciously bring about unity than several… Furthermore, it is evident that several persons could by no means preserve the stability of the community if they totally disagreed. For union is necessary among them if they are to rule at all:

>"Several men, for instance, could not pull a ship in one direction unless joined together in some fashion. Now several are said to be united according as they come closer to being one. So one man rules better than several who come near being one."

t. Aquinas


a sootist autocracy (0 minutes spent on governing/day)


a kuzist dictatorship


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I do believe there to be a fatal flaw in the unitary, parental form of monarchistic thought: it assumes that the ruler of a people is both a pious and competent categorically. I don't believe that many examples of the guiding and noble, but failing ruling class needs to be shown as they are all too common. Just to give a few for further study, much of the authoritarian actions by the Bulgarian government have allowed a form of exploitative oligarchy to form in the region at the expense of the subjects.

I argue instead a government of specialization and decentralization; A government must be minimalist in all ways to be most stable and effective. The government shouldn't be the platonic one of maximal guidence and parentialism, but rather serve one specific, well defined purpose. All powers not delegated to the ruling body must be delegated to the social, economic, and individual forces of a region. As many powers as possible should be relegated to these groups too. This minimalism in goals will allow the government to be less complex and thus less prone to error or corruption. A slimness in this department will also keep government hands out of many areas they shouldn't be entangled in (as that is the most stable).
While this stylistic choice of government is what I believe to be most effective, I will say for the "best" society (that society that I believe to be most optimal for my cutlural norms), would be one where a government is delegated only the power's necessary to resolve problems between competing interest groups. This means the power to regulate and suspend private organizations if they pose a risk to others, the right to rise an army to defend itself from outsiders and internal revolts that aren't petitioned for, the right to exile problem groups from the union if necessary, and a right to regulate the cultural institutions to prevent rot.

This government should be akin to the judicial tradition of the Americas and derive its guidence from a set of goals, intents, ambitions, and rights set about in some axiomatic document that is necessary to accept if one wishes to participate in the society the government governs. This document must be the axiomatic canon of the people as it pertains to the governmental structure: it must declare the rights and sentimates that the government exists for, the reasons for conservation, the methods of conservation that are tolerated, and a hiearchical structure that must be respected for the document to be enforced.



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