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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1652569967682.jpg (41.4 KB, 495x660, 7B7C3020-F589-453C-BB5C-54….jpg)


New chud shooter, mentioned 4chinks a lot, its going down like 8chan now lol.


That’s not him


Who was it then?


That's not Sam Hyde, fail


your selfie


File: 1652570202967.jfif (99.76 KB, 681x1200, FSv-Yp4XsAA06De.jfif)

Ok this is the one sorry




File: 1652570370352.png (32.56 KB, 743x311, nnkjnkn.PNG)

4chan cult lol


Normies think 8chan died beacouse of christchurch and the other ones that were cia hoaxes, when it actually happened couse Jim Watkins is a giant retard.


>4chan clout
What is that supposed to mean?


File: 1652570994809.jpg (129.92 KB, 800x1103, Ron_Watkins_by_Gage_Skidmo….jpg)

Also for some fucking reason normies on twitter think Ron Watking created 4chan. I don't even know where they got that from.


File: 1652571509153.jpg (12.75 KB, 225x225, glowniggy.jpg)

>Every single imageboard today


literally who


It's pretty simple. They're dumb

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