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/muv/ - Music & Video Games

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Discuss science fiction and fantasy




Is science fiction fantasy a genre which includes star wars with technology, aliens and some magic like "force" which can do everything the author want? :00


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>science fantasy


Dystopian Sci-fi every soyteen should check out:
>Make Room! Make Room! and soylent green
>brave new world
>2000 AD
>Beneath a steel sky
>Starship troopers

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post the last song you've listened to (you can't listen to anything now before replying)
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 No.12955[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since 2018, the date of creation of the soyjak meme, there was no soyjak game...

...until now!

You can play it on your browser for FREE!!!!!!

>>> https://modest-fermi-a8a672.netlify.app/ <<<

Move with left and right arrows and jump with up arrow and start your adventure in this slow burn, bone chilling, atmosphere-oozing, genre-redefining, gut-wrenching, spine-tingling, emotionally taxing, paranoia-inducing, jaw-clenching, nerve-wracking, character-development driven, soul-shaking, nail-biting, anxiety-written, kafkaesque, post-lynchian, question-asking, socially-aware, politically-cognisant, culturally relevant, socially-prescient, thought-provoking, artisanally-crafted platformerino game.

The fact that it is a platformer game is such a tribute to soyjak and soy boy as an archetype of human who keeps special place in his heart for games like mario.

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I cant get past this part


I crying


call him incel


this game is a gemerald

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>I'm waking up to ash and dust, I wipe my ass and I slap my nuts


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Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you
And by now, you should've somehow realised what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now
And backbeat, the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before, but you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now
And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how
Because maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
You're my wonderwall
Today was gonna be the day, but they'll never throw it back to you
And by now, you should've somehow realised what you're not to do
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>gamergate holocaust
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>No, when Moderator Femler arrived upon the forums of the NeoGAF servers the first and only word (s)he said was NOT namaste!


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>*sigh* *gasp* if only i had respected gamer whores more during this life *gasp* *ugh*



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>Oh boy, I can't wait to harass my favorite internet whore once I get home from work

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>Stare in her eyes to look past horror
>Morphine tolerated, I'm out coppin' horse tranq for her
>Like I won't have to go through hell again
>Her skin is like saran wrap, barely hangin' from her skeleton
>With each one of her ribs defined
>My crib's designed
>To keep the light out cause she can't lift the blinds
>Drifting behind, I'll be outta friends soon
>Nobody visits the guy that keeps the body in his bedroom
>She's barely alive and taking life from me
>With no appetite but the meningitis is still hungry
>Wants to make love
>But I had to substitute it with holding hands while we take drugs




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>And his own to each his
>I am reborn, manifested phoenix
>No less than Jesus
>Jesus Christ, I'm nice, I mean this
>I am a murderer
>I'm a rapist
>I am at one time in five places
>Without live traces
>I am in and out your house with about five cases

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how do we get over the stigma attached to rap music only suburban whitebois (with twp of course) listen too?


Bladee is fucking ass cracker


I went to a Tyler the creator concert and there were like 10 black people total including him and the ofwgkta crew
He performed Bitch Suck Dick and held out the microphone for the crowd the finish the lyrics. Everyone screamed "nigger dick" in unison.
It was beautiful


swedish fail


Actually it wasn't BSD it was some other edgy song

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So how about that latest Dragonflight expansion announcement for World of Warcraft?
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Anyone up for a soyjak version of she/her?


>senior game designer
oh no no no


do seniors even play video games


candy crush


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>____: a critique
>a fucking pandemic
>a good ____ but a bad ____
>american pickers
>...And that's a good thing!/And here's why
>angel's egg
>anna is the smart one
>antarctica is technically the driest desert on earth. Yes, its covered in snow and ice, but technically it doesnt rain so it is a desert (and the driest one on earth, yes, even drier than the sahara)
>Are you going to buy her game, /v/?
>a source. i need a source.
>attack on titan
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This copypasta s-so b-big!

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