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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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this game made me FEEL shit
unlike other story games like detroit become human or heavy rain, this game makes you FEEL shit and care
i didn't care about the characters in detroit or heavy rain at all, but this game makes me CARE
i don't know how but it's kino as all hell


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doodle jump thread


the worst part is that this is whats in modern arcades instead of actual video games

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Am I missing anything?


Don't know if it's the same cobson


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The aliens thought they had pillaged the ice pyramids of gnarlax, but the stolen treasures bore a terrible secret: They were haunted by the slaughtered souls of the Iridian peasants. All aboard the haunted UFO!

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thinking of raiding some tranny vidya community groups today. any suggestions?


i there's a board on the 'cuck where people plan out game nights and shit like that, /vm/
im sure you can find some troons over there

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did he make the best trannusic?


Talentless hack thread?


>being filtered this hard

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ll I ever wanted was to be a spine

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you have fced the onionsjak fnf mod right?

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 No.12537[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

rpg maker thread
this time for real
post any requests or tips/ideas
279 posts and 74 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



File: 1648672563781.png (54.47 KB, 390x380, it over.png)

>my isp blocked soyjak.party


No idea, it's still blocked, and only in my home wifi.
I'm probably the only guy who browses soyjak.party in a 1000 km radius so my isp thinks its a sketchy website or something, i can still post from my job or any other wifi,


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>I'm probably the only guy who browses onionsjak.party in a 1000 km radius so my isp thinks its a sketchy website or something, i can still post from my job or any other wif-ACK!,



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who would win in a fight




>[100 Speech] Fuck off, nigga


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