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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1653496036818.png (116.51 KB, 768x834, 1624098955419.png)


Torrent sharing thread. Music and video games.

Oldboy full hindi free download:






File: 1654650128538.png (198.72 KB, 573x338, unknown.png)


soot host soyjakcraft 3
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Saying "I'm glad you're here!" is tranny now?


it is


It's a good thing I never update further than 1.16.5 (and prefer 1.12.2) and always use mods (because default minecraft is boring shit) then isn't it

If you want to purge this retardation, unzip the minecraft .jar file (you'll find it in ~/.minecraft/versions/(version)/ as a jar file, something like "1.16.5.jar"), then in the extracted directory, navigate to assets/minecraft/text/, you'll find splashes.txt, edit that, find and replace cancerous additions (or just nuke the whole thing and replace it with keyed 'sharty references), then re-zip it back into a .jar file, put that in the version directory you pulled it from, that _should_ fix it.

Alternatively, use a resource pack to change the splash text.


A global empire that worships niggers and anal sex


File: 1654806867085.jpg (27.03 KB, 221x250, 1654030538349.jpg)

>Saying "I'm glad you're here!" is tranny now?

File: 1654798668755.png (412.25 KB, 800x600, gem-thread.png)



Good song, you like pretty nice for a furfag


I should've adapted the reaction .png, to music but you probably gnomesaiyan




Why don't you add it to your coallection if it's so coal?

File: 1654775272282.png (6.52 MB, 2560x1440, 1173823.png)


Bring. me. Redditbob.



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Overrated trash.

File: 1654715518166.png (186.26 KB, 586x528, Screenshot from 2022-06-08….png)


Doom is fast because uhhhhh it just is okay?

File: 1645411924879.png (41.25 KB, 757x150, ClipboardImage.png)

 No.14004[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Making a new thread,
Start all the way to first boss (lee) is done, here is the game if you wanna play

latest release 20/02 is the game folder, just run Game.exe
211 posts and 40 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Failed to load


File: 1653066548109.jpg (100.76 KB, 785x731, 1549843291100.jpg)

i get filtered by lee, pls nerf him




no trip therefore kys

File: 1651014556099.jpg (46.98 KB, 474x474, OIP (27).jpg)


>Spend 10 years trying to do something
>Someone does it in 5 months
Kek what a failure
10 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



thats based. imagine being a faggot who spends 11 years preparing to walk to the far lands like some speedrunning troon


iirc, he mentioned in the first episodes that it would take someone like 30 years to do it if they played nonstop


He donated to blm in 2020 with the money from this, so that says it all



File: 1654603919181.gif (4.36 MB, 640x640, club-penguin-swag.gif)




post child porn


post cp (club peguin)

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Vidya butts thread
12 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1650165040205.jpg (33.83 KB, 320x320, thats how it is on this bi….jpg)


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File: 1650388485754.gif (3.82 MB, 370x377, 1640741306696.gif)

>Chud 2 months ago No.13804>>13805>>13806

>Vidya butts thread


gosh i wish my ass were that fat


Eat more fast food

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