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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Post songs that make you literally go like pic related
24 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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fearofshart tier coal

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Fuck it
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can somechud please enlighten me on this blueberry inflation thing
what is it? where does it come from? why do people enjoy it?


can't somechad not asking politely utdarken others on this redapple deflation thing
what isn't it! where does it not come from! why do people not enjoy it!


If you look really closely when Kayne dies, they replaced Yeezus with a balloon


shut the fuck up


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Who is that pokemon??

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indian kinos

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kek based

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>dress and dance like prostitute
>told everyone shes muslim
whats with western world that made every religions stay far away from their own tenets?


Is there a transvestigation vid about him already?

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what is this

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>Is there a race involved?
>You run and hide, you get two stars
>Last night two fat skinheads whistled at her
>But she sleeps it off
>A whiskey scent on her kitten's fur

>And when it's time to go

>I'll push her high as she wants to go
>Red pants down, she's pissing out by the car
>And though she'll never know
>Carissa's weird but I love her so

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Deep Rock Soyjaktic

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give me an idea for a soy-related roblox game, full disclosure i am a soyteen
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>soyboy simulator
>soylent tycoon
>escape the soyjak obby


>>escape the soyjak obby
gemmy but do a cart ride instead


3d soyjak builder (complete with soydueling) obviously

(this idea is copyrighted to me but licensed to you under the condition that you are a soyteen and remain in concordance with my ever changing definition of 'based')


soyduel on the heights


soyjak collector

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