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/muv/ - Music & Video Games

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1642247787564.png (254.75 KB, 1500x1500, 0DFD369B-85FE-422E-B004-34….png)


post the last song you've listened to (you can't listen to anything now before replying)


this >>12883


File: 1642248383173.png (121.81 KB, 708x800, 1627432199305.png)


File: 1642248769465.png (1.11 MB, 1263x727, b602dd20003cb22fb72fa5682e….png)


File: 1642250828294.png (205.82 KB, 1596x1128, 2398749123.png)


Hell by Disturbed
Giga gem
Sorry, not feeling it


ew, disturbed sucks


File: 1642554920607.png (10.16 KB, 84x96, 778255240188526633.png)

>Sorry, not feeling it


File: 1642555119895.png (72.05 KB, 515x700, 1641869859869.png)


File: 1642563178291.jpg (67.7 KB, 498x600, Seth.jpg)

This thread is gay
except for this guy





youtube told me to listen to this
so i did






File: 1648874939613.png (24.31 KB, 600x800, 1492 - anglo british count….png)




james brown - papa don't take no mess


File: 1649333655182.png (32.67 KB, 273x299, 2731.png)


not bad for trannycore music





File: 1649406506384.mp3 (1.34 MB, MF Doom - Bergamont.mp3)


File: 1650736241981.png (1.57 MB, 1021x1021, 1643036484288.png)

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