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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>I just ordered exterminatus against your planet.


>What does this mean?
>The amount of planets in your star system has decreased by one.

>Why did you do this?

>There are several reasons I may deem a planet to be unworthy of the Emperor's grace. These include, but are not limited to:
>- Hiding genestealers,
>- Spreading heresy,
>- Abominable Intelligence not correctly destroyed.

>Am I banned from existing?

>No - not yet, you can leave the planet. But you should refrain from doing heresy like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an execution of you specifically, which may put your living privileges in jeopardy.

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in that case, you're right, it is gay.


albeit however it is chudcore incel media therefore if you dislike it you are a troon


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this so much this

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New 'toss


funny and wholesome


but is it wholesome 100 though?



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let me know if the spawn rate is too slow or fast


it funny

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>waow le ecleb man is going to save TF2!!!

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>the main plot of this campaign is the empire surviving after the defeat of endor
>literally the next the empire does is destroy one of its own worlds
why do star wars writers always make the bad guy so fucking retarded on an unparalleled level?
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star wars is created upon nazis bad theme


more like an "empires bad" theme.
it also glorifies hierarchies (i.e. with jedis being the warrior elite)


Tbh there was perpetual peace and economic growth in 1600-1850 Japan when social orders were strictly obeyed. Only in 1830 they started to fall when bureaucracy was overgrown.


what game


the star wars game

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I'm gonna play some TF2 anybody wanna join me?



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/qa/ lost


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rent free

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What modpack should i play next?
My current one is getting kind of boring
please no applied energistics or gregtech

Current one: buildcraft. industrialcraft. thaumcraft railcraft and forestry focused for 1.12.2, toymy


grow up


Jenny mod

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>slap bass

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>mount and blade
>dwarf fortress
>fallout 1/2
>ultima underworld 1/2
>arx fatalis
>thief 1/2


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>cult classic games that only people on anime imageboards care about? well i'm gonna take them down a peg... here i go: they're actually LE BAD!


she did btfo you tho

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