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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>>>16217 (You)


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based cant wait to start avataring with some shitty half-assed personality and larp as a "female" even though i have a fat man ass and my dick doesnt work because of kpop-induced ED


Pretty bug lady


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#rare #based soyjak.party ft LIL B the BASEDGOD

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Sexism in ga--ACK!!!





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>ints and wintrades your games

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>Immersive sim


it may be a soy term, but system shock, deus ex, thief, ultima underworld etc. are gemmies so there must be some legitimacy to it

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Positive about the gameplay and theme of this season, glad the theme's about having fun and planting trees, and no more glowie secret agency cringe. (it was done the best back in Ch2S2 with Spy vs. Spy kino)
The 'pass is pretty solid too. A nice normal gril as lv 1 skin. Excited to see what comes out for Snap. Burning Ember Sabina looks fucking great, I'm probably going run her often. I almost like the kang because he looks eccentric, but I just don't like the ripped jeans. Also really good pickaxes, good backpacks, great gliders.


least consumerist australian


this game didn't deserve the hate it got
it was COD for zoomers

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>Without any feelings of guilt to burden me, I thought I could take on AM myself. But I made too many mistakes along the way, and I couldn't hold myself together. AM has altered me for his own peace of mind, I suppose. He doesn't want me to run full speed into a computer bank and smash my skull. Or hold my breath till I faint. Or cut my throat on a rusted sheet of metal. Now I have no skull, no breath, no throat. I have no mouth, and I must scream.

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I just finished the quarry with only two deaths
Emma and kaitlyn
Emma died to werewolf max back at the start so to do a no deaths playthrough would be a nightmare since I would have to redo so many sections
but kaitlyn died at the final chapter so I'll redo it for her

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new 'jak


Get this satanic crap from the sight of mt eyes aaaaaaaaa


Satanism is gay


>satanic even though the satan one is crying

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