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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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forced meme is forced


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making a thread, posting here whenever i update
gonna take me a while to optimize it for a browser experience
29 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i like that idea
yeah i think your right-maybe. well i could make a bigger game and keep adding on if people are ok with a long load time


Maybe add a dl link at the bottom of the page with the browser game for people who wanna do that? And eventually people might be down to just grab a free game on some platform like GOG or steam where people won't think it's malware from an altchan trying to buttfuck them lol


ok, ive decided. going to polish up and put the finishing touches on this game then make one more browser game. then a 3d one. then im probably going to just try to make a 'real' (not jak related) game after that


ill do that for when i make the 3d one, i wont be able to make that run nicely in a browser


Godspeed and thanks for the ultra-high-effort OC

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'n 'n 'e 'g

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So there's this guy from Italy. His name is Alessandro, and he keeps talking about mumble rappers. Two he frequently mentions are "Playboi Carti" and "Yeat". I know about the first one because him and a gypo talk about him daily, but who is the other guy?

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>The goin' gets tough from the get go, go man go
>The goin' gets tough from the get go, go man go, oh brother, not another motherfucker gonna go now
>The goin' gets tough from the get go, go man go, oh brother, not another motherfucker gonna go now


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haha look at them go

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what do you guys think of Pokemon?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Still seething, 3 decades later lol


Pokemon won


Kinda childish if you ask me, I get bored of grinding a few hours in and play something else. It is a game designed for 10 year olds after all.
Now, pokemon showdown is where it's at


pokemon isn't designed for 10 year olds to beat it's desinged for ages 5 and up to beat


smt ripoff

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>silksong STILL not out yet


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>hollow knight good even tho if you were actually hollow you would die


bumping my gem reply

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bumping my gem

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>music requires you to really listen to it for it to be good instead of just putting it on mindlessly while playing video games


bumping ym gem

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>civ 6 bad even tho it gives fascists epic military bonuses


bumping my thread

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