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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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somebody told me that magic had a lot of nigger women in it but after playing magic arena for a bit the only nigger i've seen so far is teferi (fittingly he's a prodigy) much less diverse than heartstone or eternal
it's pretty fun makes you feel like your more involved i think it's the most fun i've had in a card game even better than early shadowverse (before it got 'crept)
i like the decision making and interaction
also chandra is cool (i like her design when her hair isn't on fire)


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literally every other card has a nigger on the art and the artists are forced by WOTC to follow diversity quotas


this kike faggotry aside, MTGA also has a terrible economy on top of it.
it's impossibly expensive to make a new deck from scratch.


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*wins GOTY despite basically being a haunted video game creepypasta because the cardplay is good*

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>Comfy Switch Thread
>What are you currently enjoying on your Nintendo Switch, /v/ros?
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oc I made


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owned both and now i'm a cistroon


you're just a troon with wealthy parents


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>you're just a troon with wealthy parents

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 No.14777[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

VERSION: 1.18.2


RENEW: https://skynode.gg/soyical
400 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


someone please fix this i would love to play some 'craft


new copypasta


soot bring back minecraft server


Hello. Server owner here. You may be wondering, "Why is the server down? Why has nothing been said for days now?". The answer to that question is:

I give up. Not all of you, but a small and vocal minority of you are the most ungrateful, insufferable kikes to ever walk this earth. I set up a server for people to play minecraft on, like chuds have been asking for months and what do I get in return? Nothing. Fucking nothing. You destroy everything I've built. You destroy everything other people have built. I turn on online mode to fix this problem and immediately people start complaining that they want to use cracked. I turn off online mode and the server immediately gets hacked and griefed. Oh, and all the while one of you NIGGERS is complaining about how the version isn't the "right one". I install some mods and a NIGGER complains it isn't the right one. I install that one and you NIGGERS don't join, and the server dies. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH SOOOT ADD THIS PLUGIN!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH SOOOOOT CHANGE MY DIAPER!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Go fuck yourself. Any time someone does something to even moderately lift everyone's spirits, make them happy you NIGGERS ruin it. Again, not all, but a few ungrateful NIGGERS who try to make everything go their way. This is what this site has become. There's no magic anymore. It's been turned into /trant/ with less moderation. It's now a hub for weebs, trannies, and pedophiles (all the same thing, lolicons are pedos cope) to run around buck wild and fuck everything up. I see why soot has stopped caring about this site anymore. If I had to deal with even a fraction of these lazy kikes everyday I'd just delete this site entirely.

No one puts any effort into making this work, so I won't put any either. Go ahead. Make your own minecraft server.


how're ya doin' nate 2.0

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i wish steambot chronicles 2 didn't get cancelled
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fucking kys dfnt


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>fucking kys dfnt


fuck off dfnt subhuman


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>fuck off dfnt subhuman


i want you dead dfnt

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And rush duel pyros don't count.
Konami bettet make some coal.


Necrobumping this Black, hard, stone, blind, Kilkenny, crow, craw, "black diamond" coal.


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chara did nothing wrong though
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bwc though


Beta white cucks are only good for their money though




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>but why?


But she is for Kris only though

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>I am human and I need to be loved
>Just like everybody else does
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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>There's a club if you'd like to go
>You could meet somebody who really loves you
>So you go and you stand on your own, and you leave on your own
>And you go home and you cry and you want to die

>When you say "it's gonna happen now"

>Well, when exactly do you mean?
>See I've already waited too long
>And all my hope is gone
Incel anthem


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>I was looking for a job, and then I found a job
>And heaven knows I'm miserable now


they don't like mozza because he's a chud though


True he's too good for them, but the song still makes them wet. They can't help it


Literally only genuine homosexuals listened to this band in the 80s

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>come on baby soi my 'jak




Meds. Jim Morrison's father did NOT start the Vietnam War. The Grateful Dead was NOT part of MKUltra. The Police's drummer is NOT the son of one of the founders of CIA. IRS Records was NOT funded by glow-in-the-dark operatives. Do NOT do your own research.

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thoughts on slime rancher?


nas dust


soor move this to /muv/


Animal cruelty


while the uwu wholesome aesthetics appeal to me i watched a review and it costs like 26 dollars so i'm not getting it


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>Being a paycuck

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He won.


won what?


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