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File: 1650500722744.png (15.06 KB, 782x758, 7913 - arm closed_eyes cry….png)


>Stare in her eyes to look past horror
>Morphine tolerated, I'm out coppin' horse tranq for her
>Like I won't have to go through hell again
>Her skin is like saran wrap, barely hangin' from her skeleton
>With each one of her ribs defined
>My crib's designed
>To keep the light out cause she can't lift the blinds
>Drifting behind, I'll be outta friends soon
>Nobody visits the guy that keeps the body in his bedroom
>She's barely alive and taking life from me
>With no appetite but the meningitis is still hungry
>Wants to make love
>But I had to substitute it with holding hands while we take drugs




File: 1650585360537.gif (381.65 KB, 373x400, 1982 - animated byonbyon c….gif)

>And his own to each his
>I am reborn, manifested phoenix
>No less than Jesus
>Jesus Christ, I'm nice, I mean this
>I am a murderer
>I'm a rapist
>I am at one time in five places
>Without live traces
>I am in and out your house with about five cases

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