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/muv/ - Music & Video Games

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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shiniest gemmeroo of the century


it's baffling how much better ifunny memes are compared to the ones on the 'cuck


i like both

File: 1651481623518.png (201.19 KB, 763x424, unbox 3.png)


>not again, i already have nine of these
14 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Wish I'd thought of this gem


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*sits beside you* N-no don't worry about that anon, *holds your hand* i-it's our gem.


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>*sits beside you* N-no don't worry about that anon, *holds your hand* i-it's our gem.

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samson on the /muv/

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Was it a good game?


>soyboy color


Make mario party but with soyjaks

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what music does he listen to


he listens to no music just the sound of blacked raw videos
he doesn't even use speakers he just plays it for everyone and never turns it off when someone asks because hes a total sperg
same for every one of his posters


Dog years by rush



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Is this really a thing in japan too? I thought the west did it because of /v/ psyops


otakus are just as much of a dissapointment to their fathers in japan as weebs are here, its no surprise that they are leftists


could be that they have some of the same regulation forcing it. Government mandated stuff, same way they force cheesy moral lessons into public programming. In america, this takes the form of corporations forced into a bear-race to prove they aren't racist to regulators empowered by civil rights legislation. The best corporations are those most capable of suspending the cognitive dissonance between business needs and mandatory doctrine production.


what is such a cognizant post doing on my deranged schizophrenic fecal arts and crafts forum?

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Why is this game worshipped? All you do is walk in a straight line and wait for characters to tell you the next lol so random wacky joke.
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?

Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


but you dodge bullets doe



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Because people are fucking gay



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i fucking hate PSN so much
i just wanna play the first two infamous games


use pkgi stupid buyfag

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She's so pretty 😍


my request looks automated, my post was discarded



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