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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>still the greatest video game of all time
Why hasn't any game come close to it?


yes i watched my favorite ecelbs video on the hulk game too anon


Sonic adventure looks weird in that picture

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>/webm/ - Videos and GIF

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Gunblade needs to come back.
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




league died completely when season 11 came


League died in 2017 however


not true it was still the most popular game but now it's only the 7th most popular in 2022


still was playable with old items but yes

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Do Jews write Christian music too?


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touhou website


tranny coal, delete this thread soot and ban op


soot will never ban me
he obviously doesn't care about soy culture or the catalog
feels good to be a tranime chad


Sad reality tbqhdesu
Soot is kill
It's fucking over for this site if you ask me


demoralization glowie

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>objective: survive


Not a single game says this


halo reach says this however


a lot of music videos say this

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>there he is officer, the sick fuck who plays roblox despite being in his 40's


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who me? i have autism therefore its okay







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>hellllllllo boys~


darkest nigger coal i've ever seen


brightest aryan gem i've ever seen





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>Bioshock Infinite

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