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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1643317058961.jpg (15.49 KB, 487x267, csgo.jpg)


we post our favorite video games
30 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Mother 3
>the rest


i know this is leecoal but im playing some cs right now


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Looks like a gem, magnet link?


tranny mod albeit

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How was it so successful in luring nerdy white men into the alt-right?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


because it made everyone on the internet realize you should never compromise with women and instead rape should be legal


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>it's about ethics in games journalism


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gamergate bros... are we diaperfags?


always has been

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Sonic thread?
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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redditbob thread


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nav (not a videogame)
Go back.


love this term

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Why are games based on films not being made anymore?


they don't make them as much because licensed games are usually shit


because video games are better than movies (not saying they are good)


they just released evil dead

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Bootsy Collins - What's a Telephone Bill

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wiggers have no souls


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most soulful white man

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should i make a game where you rape kuz or something im sorta board

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How do i learn to make video games?


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All wrpgs are dating sims but the "girls" look like chudjak


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>SEX with Chud


dating mechanics in western video games are weak as fuck
japan learnt that their people can't get gfs so they implemented good dating mechanics
people in the west have gfs therefore they don't need good dating mechanics


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>people in the west have gfs


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>>people in the west have gfs


all wrpg threads on the 'cuck are nothing but "x troon is best girl!!!" garbage though

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