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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Kys merellschizo.


im the banduschizo


Wtf the most based poster on /funkg/ is a sharty user? I kneel.


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>Kys merellschizo.
>im the banduschizo
>Wtf the most based poster on /funkg/ is a sharty user? I kneel.

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How do you identify fellow soyjak.party posters in real life?
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


True 'jakkers possess the ability to perform a mating call that only other 'jakkers can hear


soot here, i just trace their location


put cobson on your shirt with a pin
nobody else will recognize it. if they know, they know


a pedophile nojak when im with a neckbeard and fingerboy without


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By the big noses and funny little hats

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Nigga WHO


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this is like trying to explain your parents what " gems " are

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>BBC spammers have been called chinks, discord users, kikes and butthurt tbps
Which one do you think is actually true?

Or do you think it's someone else? Perhaps just people on their own who are just mentally ill trolls?
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Not how it works, irony teen, you just posted an image of yourself attention whoring. >>26541
trying so hard to become notorious here


t. coping aushitalian



white guilt

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There has never been a more hilarious projection complex in history than rightards trying to pretend they aren't pedophiles.

>be (You)

>be rightard
>accuse leftists of being pedophiles
>make up stories like pizzagate
>the left push for anti-pedo policies
>(You) oppose them as privacy infringement etc
>get accused of being a pedophile yourself
>your immediate response: "there's literally nothing wrong with pedophilia"
>thread gets shitspammed with lolis
>"i want to sniff her feet bros"
>open your heart-shaped locket to take out a note that says "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children because the beauty of the white aryan woman must not vanish from the earth"
>think about the white children and how they'll be white aryan "women" (13) one day when you are 45 and you will have lots of pure white totally non-pedophilic sex with them
>jerk your 2-incher to sleep
10 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


women never mature past age 14 mentally however


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>There has never been a more hilarious projection complex in history than rightards trying to pretend they aren't pedophiles.

>>be (You)

>>be rightard
>>accuse leftists of being pedophiles
>>make up stories like pizzagate
>>the left push for anti-pedo policies
>>(You) oppose them as privacy infringement etc
>>get accused of being a pedophile yourself
>>your immediate response: "there's literally nothing wrong with pedophilia"
>>thread gets shitspammed with lolis
>>"i want to sniff her feet bros"
>>open your heart-shaped locket to take out a note that says "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children because the beauty of the white aryan woman must not vanish from the earth"
>>think about the white children and how they'll be white aryan "women" (13) one day when you are 45 and you will have lots of pure white totally non-pedophilic sex with them
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so does you


esl troon fail


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New 'toss just dropped.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


toss really lost his touch with this one


i honestly don't get it


why does he hate feetchads so much


Where the fuck is the amogus


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>be soot
>no ssl certificate
Soot are you datamining again?




i think hes just retarded


its so he can follow you around wifi hotspots and see what coal youre posting with wireshark



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What phenotype/haplogroup is this? What about his phrenology?
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50s dude who plays golf and did a stint in Korea, wife has no idea what he does with his old frat pals


hell yea dude


Being clean-shaven doesn't really add up with that but nice try


Tucker is cool though
He pissed off every Jew in the Western Hemisphere by talking about migration and declining white population in America


american IT guy

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>/qa/ won


kill this nigger


based nigger


Would be funnier if he had the same expression as the 'jak


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>based nigger


i trust this man

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>The Sharty is shit. It's like 50% Australian Discord trannies spamming/bumping BBC Cobson, and various other trannies posting Chudjaks and complaining about "chuds" not accepting them, or "chuds" not worshipping shitskins like a good ally. Troons even started unironically posting their selfies lately. The jannies don't do anything about it either because they're either lazy retards, or are complicit troons themselves. They deleted a "Total Nigger Death" thread and permabanned the OP, but unbanned the OP of another Cobsontroon thread and restored his niggerdick pics. The userbase is hostile to any new 'jak content besides the same recycled shit that's been spammed constantly for 2 years. Soot is a fat worthless failure who needs to ACK! himself. Unironically Frenschan /qa/ is the last bastion of Soyjakking.


nas nigger


i'm romanian

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