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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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my wife


you will hang pedo


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She's literally a grown ass woman you schizo troon



get a life >>24392


Not a zellig

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>no 'ellig on page 1


There are not three Mayas


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there are 24 thougherino


That's only one Maya though


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your study hasn't been peer reviewed doe


I reviewed his study however

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New 'cado 'rlin Kino, pic unrelated. Orlin cries and gets meta about 'cado being an attention whore.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Who the fuck is charlie?


Cr1TiKaL is an online commentary YouTuber who is mainly known for his usage of droll humor and large amounts of profanity in his videos. Cr1TiKaL's is known for his tradition of adding "Gameplay and Commentary" to the end of the title of his videos of games while also adding "This is the greatest X of All Time" to his video descriptions. As of January, 2016, he has over 1.3 million subscribers on Youtube.

Cr1TiKaL started his Youtube channel in May of 2007 using the name "penguinz0." His first upload was on August 5th, 2007, titled "gears of war jetpack glitch (NO Standbye or lag switch) AP" showing off a glitch in Gears of War, gaining 200,000 views (shown below, left). On September 1st, 2014, Cr1TiKaL uploaded a video named "Holy Shit" after he reached 1 million subscribers gaining 530,000 views (shown below, right).

The two most popular videos on Cr1TiKaL's channel are his attempt at QWOP, uploaded on December 2nd, 2010, gaining 8 million views (shown below, left). And his video on Facade, uploaded on April 29th, 2011, gaining 3.9 million views. Cr1TiKaL's channel has amassed over 270 million views total ever since it's creation.

Cr1TiKaL has expressed multiple times that he has a pursuit in voice acting. On May 17th, 2014, he uploaded a video, which gained 280,000 views (shown below, left), answering several questions by fans, and talking about his voice acting in Tropico 5. He has appeared in many other small projects and video games. On December 1st, 2015, Cr1TiKaL collaborated with Super Planet Dolan, appearing as a guest voice and gaining 1.7 million views (shown below, right).

Cr1TiKaL's face and identity has always been a wonder to his fans because of how mysterious and quiet he is about his life. On June 14, 2013, Youtuber and animator SpeedoSausage uploaded a video featuring his personification of Cr1TiKaL, a man in a hooded red jacket covering most of his face. The video (shown below, left [NSFW]) gained 1.8 million views. Sometime in October 2015, Cr1TiKaL left a comment on one of his video "Paint the Town Red Gameplay and Commentary" with the name of his Snapchat account, "big_moist" where his face was revealed (shown below, right).

In addition, Charlie is the co-host of a popular comedy podcast known as the "Official Podcast", which is one of the most popular on Patreon with almost 5,000 supportersPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I like wikitubia two


Actually it's kym


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I was able to install a tool called scrcpy which lets me screen mirror my Android display onto my desktop computer. It is really neat.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


you must have a retarded job you should just kys


why so mean :'(


Don't listen to him, I think it's cool




or you can get a bluetooth keyboard and mouse

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Soot I can't tie my own shoes increase my IQ


Buy velcro shoes, there is 0 logical reasong to wear shoes with lases, if you live in the city and its not winter. Its all a huge normie scum.


with shoelaces you can tie your shoes tighter so you can get an ingrown toenail and suffer

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Soot here just to confirm that studio masa ama is real
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You’re not soot so your opinion is discarded


he is tho


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no red name therefore impostor


epic fail

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Energy drinks work for me so well I always feel like I'm about to get a heart attack


i miss the days of smoking cigarettes and drinking energy drinks all day in the desert

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new' toss



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>mymy on the log

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I’m 30 and I can’t stand alcohol. How the fuck do you do it?


Cocktails are for fags. Buy a bottle of cheap whiskey or vodka


if you hate it and youre american then just drink cheap beer, it's flavorless anyways


if you're that much of a fag why don't you just not drink?

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